First meeting planned with the services of François de Rugy, Minister for Ecological and Solidarity TransitionPhoneGate Team, phonegatealert.org 16 January 2019 - revision
Following a letter from Thibault Leclerc, Chief of Staff of the Minister of State, Minister of Ecological and Solidarity Transition, we will be received on Friday, January 25, 2019 at 10 a.m., by the Head of the Department of Health Risks Related to the Environment, Waste and Non-point Pollution at the General Directorate for Risk Prevention.
We are going to put on the table the industrial and health issues of the Phonegate scandal and help lead the minister to take courageous decisions to properly protect the health of mobile phone users.
The agenda of the meeting
- Brief presentation of the association
- Update on the planned release of the ANSES report requested by DGPR and DGS in October 2017 (the first part was expected in December 2017).
- Minister’s position on our request to withdraw the more than 250 models tested by ANFR whose trunk SARs exceed the 2 W/kg limits.
- Telephones updated following ANFR controls: what efficiency and what information for users?
- What measures will be taken regarding SAR controls of refurbished mobile phones?
- What means are planned in 2019 to inform and prevent mobile phone users to keep them away from the body, especially children, pregnant women, pacemaker carriers (recent decision of the Administrative Court of Rome)?
- How can France influence at European level for a rapid change of standards and real protection of users?
- On the eve of the launch of 5G, what measures will France take to ensure that manufacturers do not continue to endanger the health of users and residents (request for a moratorium signed by 170 scientists from 37 countries) ?
You can help us by supporting us. Join the first 4,600 signatories of our petition calling for the withdrawal of more than 250 of the most popular mobile phone models with wave threshold levels (SARs) up to nearly 4 times above the thresholds not to be exceeded.
A live Facebook video at the release
At the end of the meeting at around 12:30 pm, we will launch a live video via our Facebook page to give you a first report of the exchanges of this meeting. We are counting on you to participate and relay information to those around you.
View or review the live video
This first meeting was constructive even if no concrete decisions were taken. Mr Philippe Bodénes, Head of the Department of Health Risks Related to the Environment, Waste and Non-point Source Pollution at the Directorate General for Risk Prevention, has undertaken to forward all our proposals to the Minister’s Office and to provide us with a feedback within three weeks. We asked to be received by François de Rugy to remind him of the importance of the industrial and health stakes of this scandal.
Click on the image to access the video and thank you in advance for your support
(in French)
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