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09 September 2024

Italy: Calabria Region Recognizes Fibromyalgia and Electrosensitivity

Calabria Region Recognizes Fibromyalgia and Electrosensitivity
elettrosensibili.it/, 17 March 2024 - auto.translation

On March 12, the Regional Council of Calabria unanimously approved regional law 8/2024, which recognizes the social relevance of fibromyalgia and electrosensitivity.

The Region, while waiting for the recognition of fibromyalgia and electrosensitivity at a national level, wants to promote the establishment of clinics dedicated to free screening activities and the establishment at hospital and territorial level of multidisciplinary clinics dedicated solely to the aforementioned pathologies.

Furthermore, the law, in recognizing the significant contribution of the associations, establishes a regional registry for fibromyalgia and a regional registry for electrosensitivity in order to track their incidence and prevalence at the regional level.

here is the text (in Italian)

After the Basilicata Region, which in 2013 included electrosensitivity among the rare pathologies with the right to exemption for the verification of the diagnosis and the provision of services, the Calabria Region, thanks to the particular sensitivity towards fibromyalgia and electrosensitive patients demonstrated by the Regional Council, is the first Region that has recognized the social relevance of electrosensitivity.

Special thanks to Councilwoman Pasqualina Straface the first signer and rapporteur, the other signatory councilors, and Councilman Giuseppe Neri, whose amendments to the original proposal regarding fibromyalgia will also allow electrosensitive patients to be able to hope for a path to treatment.

Paolo Giunta Paolo Orio
Referente Regionale A.I.E Presidente Nazionale A.I.E.

Original article in Italian:

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