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13 September 2024

Russian National Committee for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection Chairman attacks WHO-commissioned review that claims no cellphone-cancer link

Dr. Oleg Grigoriev, one of the world's leading experts, emailed to Dr. Joel Moscowitz this message regarding the Karipidis et al. (2024) review and gave him permission to post it. You will find it on Dr, Moscowitz's site : Electromagnetic Radiation Safety.

Biased WHO-commissioned review claims no cancer link to cellphone use

Russian National Committee for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection Chairman attacks WHO-commissioned review that claims no cellphone-cancer link

Electromagnetic Radiation Safety, 11 September 2024

Dr. Oleg A. Grigoriev, Sept 11, 2024

(Dr. Grigoriev, one of the world's leading experts, emailed me this message regarding the Karipidis et al. (2024) review and gave me permission to post it.)

A group of little-known scientists have claimed responsibility for all cases of cancer associated with exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. These scientists claim that possible, probable, and proven cancer from exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields does not exist and never can exist. Thus, responsibility for misleading consumers, industry, and healthcare systems lies with several specific authors.

They made this conclusion based on an analysis of other people's articles, selected using a methodology not developed by them, using analysis criteria that they also did not develop. These scientists themselves are not known for their affiliation with scientific schools studying the biomedical effects of electromagnetism, their fundamental work in the field of biological effects of electromagnetic fields and hygiene is unknown. For an unknown reason, the scientists speak on behalf of the World Health Organization, whose employees remain silent and, in principle, do not have the authority (and competence) to make such categorical conclusions. As is well known, science has no categorical judgments, even geometry from the obvious Euclidean has become non-Euclidean, the theory of relativity has become relative. We do not discover "laws of nature", but only generalize what is known. The physical nature of the electromagnetic field has been and remains a subject of discussion, as well as human nature and the role of natural electromagnetism and electricity in it.

The discussion of the carcinogenic potential of radio frequencies has become one of the topics of the international electromagnetic project after 1996, and we have repeatedly discussed this issue with the participants of the WHO project. I have been directly involved in discussions since 1997. Every specialist involved in experimental work using several species of animals, with volunteers, with hygiene and epidemiology understands how dangerous it is to make a categorical judgment "this exists" or "this does not exist". We all need to be very careful when meeting the statements of such authors who "know the answer" in such a complex area for research as the bioeffects of the electromagnetic field.

Dr. Oleg A. Grigoriev

Dr. Sc. (radiobiology), Ph.D.(radiobiology & hygiene of non-ionizing radiation)
Chairman, Russian National Committee for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection
Member of the Board, Scientific Council for Radiobiology, Russian Academy of Sciences
Chairman, Non-Ionizing Radiation Section, Russian National Radiobiological Society
Chief Expert of the State Commission on Sanitary Rules (retired)
Member of the IAC WHO EMF Int Project - now WHO Non-ionazing Project (since 2004),
Member of the Advisory Group to Recommend Priorities for the IARC Monographs
during 2020–2024


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