Raise awareness of environmental health issues in order to better protect our children and future generations.

10 March 2025

Glioblastoma in 15-39 year-olds: 230% increase in 20 years!

Glioblastoma in 15-39 year-olds: 230% increase in 20 years!
By : Phonegate Team • 9 Mar 2025

Phonegate Alert notes with the utmost attention the publication on March 3, 2025 of a study by Santé Publique France (SPF) on the incidence of cancers in adolescents and young adults (AYA) aged 15 to 39. This report reveals a worrying increase in glioblastoma (serious brain cancer) in this age group, with a significant rise of +6.11% per year over the period studied (2000-2020). This represents an overall increase of around 233% over 20 years!

Glioblastoma: Red alert among young people

This increase is particularly alarming, as it contrasts with trends observed for other types of cancer. While the overall incidence of cancers in the AYA population has seen an increase followed by stabilization (or even a slight decrease), the continuing rise in glioblastomas stands out. With regard to central nervous system (CNS) tumours in general, the study also highlights the need to interpret the data with caution due to various potential biases, but the specific increase in glioblastomas remains a major cause for concern.

09 March 2025

33 New Papers on Electromagnetic Fields and Biology or Health (6 March 2025)

33 New Papers on Electromagnetic Fields and Biology or Health
Electromagnetic Radiation Safety, 6  March 2025

Dr. Joel Moscowitz, University of California Berkeley, has been circulating abstracts of newly-published scientific papers on radio frequency and other non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF) monthly since 2016. The complete collection of these papers contains more than 2,000 abstracts with links to the papers. Several hundred EMF scientists around the world receive these updates.

To see abstracts for the most recent papers or to download volumes 1 to 3 of this collection go to: https://www.saferemr.com/2022/06/recent-research-on-wireless-radiation.html

Research of the Biomedical Effects of Electromagnetic Field in Russia over 130 Years: Main Stages of Advances in Scientific Knowledge

08 March 2025

A Critical Analysis of the World Health Organization (WHO) Systematic Review 2024 on Radiofrequency Radiation Exposure and Cancer Risks

A Critical Analysis of the World Health Organization (WHO) Systematic Review 2024 on Radiofrequency Radiation Exposure and Cancer Risks 
Lennart Hardell and Mona Nilsson - published 19 Feb. 2025
Journal of Cancer Science and Clinical Therapeutics, DOI:10.26502/jcsct.5079261


Radiofrequency (RF) radiation was in 2011 classified as a possible human carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) at the WHO. Currently the WHO undertakes a systematic review of human studies on the cancer risks. In a publication by Karipidis et al (2024), commissioned by the WHO, it was argued that based on all available studies there would be “moderate certanity evidence” that mobile phone use “likely does not increase the risk of glioma, meningioma, acoustic neuroma, pituitary tumours, and salivary gland tumours in adults, or of paediatric brain tumours.” However, the authors have overlooked results showing increased risks for brain tumours in the most exposed groups, the most exposed part of the head, and longest latency time from first exposure to tumour diagnosis. The authors also claimed that there would be “moderate certainty evidence” that transmitters and mobile phone base stations do not increase the risk of pediatric leukaemia. These conclusions are based on selective inclusion of very few and low exposure studies. This WHO evaluation is contradicted by scientific results that show increased risks of cancer from exposure to RF-radiation from mobile and cordless phones, transmitters, and base stations. Other scientists have concluded, after reviewing the available evidence, that RF-radiation may increase the risk of cancer. This article analysis the Karipidis et al review and highlights several errors, omissions, and conflicts of interests that may explain the conclusions of no cancer risk. The flawed evaluation of scientific facts should lead to retraction of the article.


The Dutch ban on mobile phones at schools - praise and criticism of a controversial measure

The Dutch ban on mobile phones at schools - praise and criticism of a controversial measure

A year after the introduction of the mobile phone ban in schools in the Netherlands, a shared picture appears. While teachers and parents report positive effects, key points of criticism and long-term radiation exposure due to limited smartphones usage. questions remain unclear. An often overlooked aspect of the discussion: the possible reduction of  radiation exposure due to limited smartphones usage.

Success: More attention, less bullying

Teachers report more attentive behavior of students and an improvement in social interaction when they don't use smartphones in school everyday life. According to the NZZ, cyberbullying has also decreased significantly, as conflicts no longer escalate digitally. Parents evaluate the ban in top-scoring surveys, and many teachers also appreciate the quieter atmosphere in school everyday life.

04 March 2025

Interview with Arthur Firstenberg, Author of "The Invisible Rainbow"

The Invisible Rainbow with guest Arthur Firstenberg
The We Know Show, 31 July 2024

Welcome to episode 24 of The We Know Show where we delve into the fascinating and often controversial world of electromagnetic radiation and its impacts on our health and environment. Today, we have a very special guest, Arthur Firstenberg. Arthur is a scientist, journalist, and author renowned for his pioneering work on the health and environmental impacts of electromagnetic radiation. A graduate of Cornell University and the University of California, Irvine School of Medicine, Arthur's career path took a significant turn due to an X-ray overdose injury. For the past 38 years, he has dedicated himself to researching, consulting, and lecturing on the effects of electromagnetic radiation...

Arthur is also the author of the groundbreaking book "The Invisible Rainbow," which has sold over 100,000 copies. The book traces the history of electricity from the early 1700s to the present, making a compelling case that many of today's environmental problems and major diseases are linked to electrical pollution. His work challenges us to reconsider the invisible forces that pervade our our planet and its inhabitants and their implications for our future and compels us to question long-held beliefs about the safety of electricity and to advocate for greater awareness and policy changes.

Arthur Firstenberg passed away on 25 February 2025.


01 March 2025

‘A Gift to This Earth’: Remembering Arthur Firstenberg — Scientist, Writer, Advocate

‘A Gift to This Earth’: Remembering Arthur Firstenberg — Scientist, Writer, Advocate
by Children’s Health Defense TeamThe Defender. Feb 28, 2025

Arthur Firstenberg, author of “The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life” and “The Earth and I,” died Tuesday at his home in Santa Fe, New Mexico. He was born May 28, 1950.

Firstenberg described himself as a scientist, journalist, and practitioner of several healing arts. To those who knew him personally or through his books, he was a gifted writer-philosopher with the rare ability to convey science through the art of prose.

Firstenberg suffered from Electromagnetic Radiation Syndrome (EMR Syndrome) and dedicated his life to raising awareness about environmental health and the need for scientific inquiry in this field.

A passionate advocate for understanding the hidden impacts of electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs), Firstenberg was a pioneer whose work sparked global conversations on the health effects of modern technology.

26 February 2025

United States: NIH Redacts Nearly 2,500 Pages of Records on Wireless Radiation Studies

The NIH refuses to reveal nearly 2,500 pages of records related to the National Toxicology Program’s decision to shut down its research on how wireless radiation affects human health, according to an investigation by The Defender.

NIH Redacts Nearly 2,500 Pages of Records on Wireless Radiation Studies
by Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D., childrenshealthdefense.org, February 25, 2025

Editor’s note: This is the second in a three-part series investigating why the U.S. government ended studies on the biological effects of wireless radiation. Part 1 covered the expert opinion of John Bucher, Ph.D.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) refuses to reveal nearly 2,500 pages of records related to the National Toxicology Program’s (NTP) decision to shut down its research on how wireless radiation affects human health, according to an investigation by The Defender.

In January 2024, the NTP announced it had no plans to further study the effects of cellphone radiofrequency radiation (RFR) on human health — even though the program’s own 10-year, $30 million study, completed in 2018, found “clear evidence” of cancer and DNA damage.

In April 2024, Children’s Health Defense (CHD) filed requests to the NIH under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to obtain records related to why the government shut down the research.

Miriam Eckenfels, director of CHD’s Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) & Wireless Program said, “First and foremost, we want the science done.”

25 February 2025

The Appeal of Electrohypersensitive People to all elected officials and doctors in Europe

EMP VICTIMS: we are victims of electromagnetic pollution.
Our European, national and local elected representatives, our health institutions and our doctors can no longer ignore us.

Sign and share this appeal with those around you. Let's unite: our number will be our strength. This European appeal was launched last week Even if you don't ive in Europe, you can sign this Appeal to support us.

Link to signature page: https://empvictims.org/

The Appeal of ElectroHyperSensitive People to all elected officials and doctors in Europe

Click here to download the appeal in PDF:
in French / in English / in Dutch

Austria: Carinthia plans to ban cell phones in public schools - critics warn against radiation risks

Why is there only talk about cell phone use in class, but not about potential health risks caused by radiation?

Austria: Carinthia plans to ban cell phones in public schools - critics warn against radiation risks
kurier.at, January 2025 - autotranslation

In Kärnten, in the future, a mobile phone ban will apply at public schools to promote children's ability to concentrate. Regulated use for 10 to 14 year olds is also discussed. Education correspondent Daniel Fellner (SPÖ) is also seeking a uniform regulation nationwide.

While some federal states are skeptical and prefer to leave individual solutions to schools, critics are demanding a more fundamental debate: Why is there only talk about cell phone use in class, but not about potential health risks caused by radiation? Studies on the effect of high-frequency electromagnetic fields on children exist, but many scientists warn that long-term consequences are still unclear.

Radiation critics are therefore demanding not only a ban on the use, but also stricter rules for Wi-Fi and mobile radio radiation in schools. Instead of just regulating children's behavior, it should also be examined what health risks arise from the increasing digitization in educational institutions.
Source: Kurier
"Österreich: Kärnten plant Handyverbot an Volksschulen – Kritiker warnen vor Strahlungsrisiken"

21 February 2025

United States: Why Did Government End Wireless Radiation Studies? Former NIH Scientist Unpacks the Behind-the-Scenes Story

Should we listen to John Bucher, NTP’s associate director from 2007 to early 2018? Are these really valid issues that likely led to NTP’s decision to stop studying the biological effects of wireless RFR. “We were having technical problems, there was really no interest on the part of the regulatory agencies for us to continue these studies, the technical expertise and the drivers behind getting the work done were retired, and there’s competing priorities...”

Exclusive: Why Did Government End Wireless Radiation Studies? Former NIH Scientist Unpacks the Behind-the-Scenes Story
by Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D., children's health defense, February 20, 2025

The National Toxicology Program’s follow-up research on the biological effects of wireless radiation faced a lack of interest from regulatory agencies and technical challenges after its $30 million 2018 study found evidence of cancer and DNA damage, according to John Bucher, Ph.D.

Editor’s note: This is the first in a two-part series investigating why the U.S. government ended studies on the biological effects of wireless radiation.

In January 2024, the National Toxicology Program (NTP) announced it had no plans to further study the effects of cellphone radiofrequency radiation (RFR) on human health — even though the program’s own $30 million study, which took about 10 years to complete in 2018, found “clear evidence” of cancer and DNA damage.

Why did the NTP shut down the studies?

In an exclusive interview with The Defender, John Bucher, Ph.D., discussed what likely led to the demise of follow-up studies despite the NTP’s findings of DNA damage in rats exposed to 2G and 3G cellphone radiation.

Bucher is a former senior scientist in the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) NTP division. NIEHS is one of the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) 27 institutes and centers.

19 February 2025

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. appointed U.S. Health Secretary: what prospects for Phonegate?

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. appointed U.S. Health Secretary: what prospects for Phonegate?
By : Phonegate Team • 17 Feb 2025

On February 13, 2025, the U.S. Senate confirmed Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as U.S. Secretary of Health, opening up new prospects in the fight against the risks associated with cell phone radiation.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: a promising commitment

While Kennedy was President of Children’s Health Defense (CHD), the organization’s teams were instrumental in bringing to light a variety of environmental health issues, including radiofrequencies and the Phonegate scandal.

His past commitment to this issue and his appointment as head of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) give us reason to hope that the U.S. federal authorities will pay greater attention to Phonegate issues.

Our American partner Environmental Health Trust (EHT) welcomed this appointment in a press release dated February 13, 2025:

“Environmental Health Trust congratulates Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on his Senate confirmation to become the 26th Secretary of Health and Human Services. Mr. Kennedy has been a leader in promoting environmental health and in helping to increase public awareness of the detrimental health impacts of wireless radiation on humans, flora, and fauna.”

Concrete results in Europe and soon in the USA?

France: List of cell phones withdrawn or updated for deception and endangering users (update 18 February 2025)

List of cell phones withdrawn or updated for deception and endangering users
By : Phonegate Team • 18 Feb 2025

A total of 57 models of cell phones identified as hazardous to users’ health have either been withdrawn from the French market, or had their Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) updated by software.
The latest to date: Ulefone Note 16 Pro and Oukitel WP28, DORO 1800 PLUS, DOOGEE N50, DOOGEE S100 PRO, OSCAL C80, SPC Discovery, Motorola MOTO G53, Nokia G22, HOTWAV Cyber 7, LOGICOM Flow, EMPORIA smart 4 Le DOOGEE S88, EMPORIA simplicity V27, Apple iPhone 12, Motorola Edge, Essentiel Clap 20+, Xiaomi Poco X3 and LOGICOM Le Swipe.

Two Chinese smartphones withdrawn from the French market with worrying delay

On February 17, 2025, the French National Frequency Agency (ANFR) ordered the withdrawal from the market and recall of two smartphones, the Ulefone Note 16 Pro and the Oukitel WP28, following significant breaches of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) limits.

Here are the full tables of SAR values for the two models concerned:

Continue reading:

For 50 Years Regulators Ignored Report Linking Wireless Radiation to 23 Chronic Diseases

The U.S. government has known for over 50 years that wireless radiation is linked to 23 chronic diseases but has failed to protect the public from chronic wireless radiation exposure, according to the authors of a new report.

For 50 Years Regulators Ignored Report Linking Wireless Radiation to 23 Chronic Diseases

by Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D., childrenshealthdefense.org, February 18, 2025

The authors of a new report, posted Feb. 6, discuss how the U.S. Naval Medical Research Institute in 1971 issued a report that reviewed 2,311 scientific studies on the biological and health effects of EMR. They concluded the U.S. government has failed to protect the public from known harms.

Richard Lear and Camilla Rees posted their report on Feb. 6 as a preprint on ResearchGate. Lear and Rees are business executives and long-time health and environmental researchers.

The report, which Rees called a “discussion and commentary” on published science related to wireless radiation’s biological impacts, is geared toward an everyday audience. It is not intended for publication in a peer-reviewed academic journal.

Lear and Rees posted the report on ResearchGate to make it accessible to the public.

On Feb. 14, Rees shared the paper with attendees of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine’s annual conference in San Antonio, Texas, according to a press release.

Miriam Eckenfels, director of Children’s Health Defense’s (CHD) Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) & Wireless called the report an “easy-to-understand distillation of pertinent scientific findings that gives the public a sense of how regulatory agencies ignored earlier science and why agencies need to take protective action now.”

17 February 2025

United Kingdom: Council becomes first in country to ban smartphones from all its schools - new rule will affect 60,000 pupils

Council becomes first in country to ban smartphones from all its schools - new rule will affect 60,000 pupils
By ADAM POGRUND, dailymail.co.uk, 15 February 2025 | Updated: 17 February 2025

A London council has become the first in the country to ban smartphones from all of its schools, in a new rule which will affect more than 60,000 pupils.

School pupils in Barnet, north London, will be banned from bringing phones into their classrooms from September.

There are 103 primary schools and 23 secondary schools in Barnet which will prohibit their students from bringing in smartphones, according to the Smartphone Free Childhood (SFC) charity.

All schools in the north London borough will also send letters to parents recommending they do not give their children smartphones until they are at least 14 and that they should restrict social media until 16.

Parents will be encouraged to give their children 'brick' phones for travel safety.

Barnet is the first council to include secondary schools in a phone ban. Meanwhile, Ealing, St Albans, Cambridgeshire, Petersfield and Hampshire have prohibited phone use in primary schools

SFC said the 'groundbreaking policy' will mean over 63,000 state-educated children will benefit from a seven-hour window in the day where they can 'learn, socialise and grow, free from addictive algorithms.'

Nova Eden, the charity's regional leader for north London, said: 'There is a lot of evidence to show there is a direct correlation and causative link between the use of smartphones and social media in young children and the rise in cases of depression, anxiety and self-harm.'

Continue reading:

15 February 2025

United States: The Future of Wireless Under RFK Jr. as HHS: A Bold Shift in U.S. Health and Technology Policy

A word about RF Safe: The site was established not as a commercial enterprise but as a platform to raise awareness about EMF exposure. We aim to educate the public on how to reduce risks through practical measures and advocate for updated safety guidelines that reflect current scientific understanding. RF Safe was founded in 1998 by John Coates, following a personal tragedy. After losing his daughter, Angel Leigh Coates, to a neural tube disorder, he dedicated his life to understanding how EMF exposures might influence human health.

The Future of Wireless Under RFK Jr. as HHS: A Bold Shift in U.S. Health and Technology Policy
rfsafe.com, February 14, 2025

The confirmation of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) has sparked lively debate among political commentators, journalists, and concerned citizens. Many associate his name with contentious topics—vaccines, environmental litigation, and more. Yet a powerful but sometimes overlooked facet of RFK Jr.’s recent activism centers on wireless radiation and what he sees as a massive public-health blind spot in U.S. regulatory agencies.

Why should this matter to the average person scrolling through their smartphone or working on a laptop connected to Wi-Fi? Because we live in a wireless world, from the cell tower near your child’s school to the router in your living room. New technologies such as 5G have arrived with little or no update to decades-old safety guidelines that focus almost exclusively on thermal effects.

In the following sections, we’ll unpack what RFK Jr. at HHS means for the future of U.S. wireless regulation, how it might disrupt “business as usual” in the telecom industry, and what new technologies might flourish in a world that demands safer emissions. We’ll also explore how an automotive-style emissions-control approach could reshape an entire sector, sparking job creation and innovation.

Why RFK Jr.’s Focus May Surprise You

France’s Proactive Approach to Wireless Radiation—and What It Means for U.S. Policy Under RFK Jr.

This is not the first time that the site "rfsafe" has praised the approach of France in protecting the population from exposure to wireless radiation, however they have failed to mention the testing of SAR levels of smartphones by the French National Frequency Agency (ANFR). The article comes with an excellent video.

France’s Proactive Approach to Wireless Radiation—and What It Means for U.S. Policy Under RFK Jr
rfsafe.com, February 13, 2025

Can a single country transform the global conversation on technology and health? In the realm of wireless radiation, France has positioned itself as a leading voice by enacting policies that directly address potential health risks, especially for children. In stark contrast, the United States has long been criticized for regulatory inertia and outdated guidelines. Now, with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.—a vocal advocate for public health and corporate accountability—confirmed as Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), many see a chance for meaningful reform.

This blog post delves into the specifics of France’s approach—from banning Wi-Fi in nursery schools to publicly disclosing radiation data—and scrutinizes how the U.S. has lagged behind. We’ll look at the roles of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the potential impact of RFK Jr. leading HHS. Along the way, we’ll examine scientific studies, highlight the vulnerable status of children, and outline a blueprint for responsible, health-focused wireless technology.

This article expands on a video transcript that compares France’s proactive stance with America’s current policies. We’ll add context, references, and a thorough analysis, rounding out a deeper narrative on how best to protect public health in an era of ubiquitous connectivity.

14 February 2025

United States: Establishing the President’s Make America Healthy Again Commission

With RFK Jr. being confirmed as HHS Secretary, President Trump has just signed the following executive order to establish the MAHA commission:

Establishing the President’s Make America Healthy Again Commission

13 February 2025

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered:

Section 1. Purpose. American life expectancy significantly lags behind other developed countries, with pre‑COVID-19 United States life expectancy averaging 78.8 years and comparable countries averaging 82.6 years. This equates to 1.25 billion fewer life years for the United States population. Six in 10 Americans have at least one chronic disease, and four in 10 have two or more chronic diseases. An estimated one in five United States adults lives with a mental illness.

These realities become even more painful when contrasted with nations around the globe. Across 204 countries and territories, the United States had the highest age-standardized incidence rate of cancer in 2021, nearly double the next-highest rate. Further, from 1990-2021, the United States experienced an 88 percent increase in cancer, the largest percentage increase of any country evaluated. In 2021, asthma was more than twice as common in the United States than most of Europe, Asia, or Africa. Autism spectrum disorders had the highest prevalence in high-income countries, including the United States, in 2021. Similarly, autoimmune diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, psoriasis, and multiple sclerosis are more commonly diagnosed in high-income areas such as Europe and North America. Overall, the global comparison data demonstrates that the health of Americans is on an alarming trajectory that requires immediate action.

13 February 2025

Covid Story

Covid Story
by Meris Michaels, 13 February 2025

It has taken me a long time to put into words what I’ve experienced since the start of “Covid-19” back in 2020. I live in Switzerland so the account concerns mainly the experience of Covid in that country.

The initial feeling at the news of increasing numbers of Covid-19 infections globally was one of great un-ease. At first, In Switzerland, there were not enough masks for the population so the authorities told us wearing masks would not be protective. Then masks became available, but I did not put one on until wearing one indoors in public places became compulsory in July 2020. Flights from China, including to Switzerland, were not banned at the start, in February of that year, and debarking passengers were not subject to any kind of screening.

I was never afraid of the infection itself, but much more troubled at the loss of freedoms. Measures were taken to halt the spread of Covid-19 like lockdowns to one degree or another. Switzerland largely kept its schools open during the pandemic. Schools had only been closed once – in spring 2020 compared with an overall 5-7 months in Germany.

Talk of development of a “vaccine” and vaccination campaigns began in December 2020. Switzerland seemed to follow in lock-step with the United States, regarding authorizations for their use – and still does. 

It was then that I began to do my homework. I recall finding information on the Pfizer vaccine from the company itself which cast doubt in my mind about its safety.  The Pfizer document, “5.3.6 CUMULATIVE ANALYSIS OF POST-AUTHORIZATION ADVERSE EVENT REPORTS OF PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) RECEIVED THROUGH 28-FEB-2021”

helped me to definitively decide not to take the vaccination. Appendix 1 at the end of the document comprises a 9-page single-spaced list of “Adverse events” of special interest. This document was available on the Internet at the time.

Swiss Scientists File Criminal Complaint Against Authorities For Ignoring The Acute Danger Of Poisonous Nanotechnology Deployed Via Chemtrails

Swiss Scientists File Criminal Complaint Against Authorities For Ignoring The Acute Danger Of Poisonous Nanotechnology Deployed Via Chemtrails
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD, 4 February 2025

Criminal complaint against Federal Councillor Rösti for failure to act in an acute danger situation

The Swiss Scientific group WIR, whose research and interview with Reinette Senum I wrote about has filed a criminal complaint against the authorities in Switzerland for ignoring the imminent danger to the population.

Nanotechnological Poisons From Above - Swiss Research Team Reveals Geoengineering "Spider Filaments" Are Polyamide Nanofibers Delivering Highly Toxic Chemicals - We Are Inhaling Them

Bravo! On February 19th I will be joining the team with Reinette for an international live stream. I hope others will take note of this great work by our Swiss colleagues and start filing criminal complaints against their governments for poisoning the people and ignoring the issue.

We have to demand to end this depopulation effort from the skies!

12 February 2025

Cellphones and Your Blood: What You Need to Know

Cellphones and Your Blood: What You Need to Know
Environmental Health Trust, Feb 11, 2025

Most of us interact with wireless technology daily, regularly using cellphones and Wi-Fi routers, but an important new study questions just how safe these devices may be. This innovative investigation finds that keeping phones close to the body can cause unhealthy changes in the blood — changes known as rouleaux formation.

Can Cellphones Make Blood Clump Together?

Researchers have found that a living person closely exposed to cellphone radiation, develops red blood cells that begin sticking together, forming clumps that resemble stacks of coins. This in vivo effect has the potential to cause a number of health issues, since clumped blood cells flow less easily and can therefore impact oxygen delivery in the body. The clumps are called rouleaux, and the effect is called rouleaux formation.

Previously, this rouleaux reaction to cellphone exposure had been reported only in studies carried out in vitro, in blood cell samples placed on microscope slides. But this method isn’t always reliable, since blood clumping can sometimes result from the way the sample is prepared.

No budget in Switzerland to protect people's health from dangerous phones?

We find it strange that there is no English translation of this important February 2024 post which we came across in French several days ago so we are publishing a translation here.

No budget in Switzerland to protect people's health from dangerous phones?

By : Phonegate Team - Feb 27, 2024

Between 2012 and today, the sale of radio frequencies (4G, 5G) alone has brought in almost CHF 1.4 billion for the Federal Council.

Despite warnings raised in 2018 and again in 2019 by several Members of Parliament (interpellations 19.3180 and 19.4496), and again in 2023 with motion 23.4244 [interpellations not available in English], the Swiss authorities have remained silent. Several press articles, such as those in the “Beobachter” and the “Tagesanzeiger”, warned of the “Phonegate affair”, yet the Federal Council sought to justify its inaction in protecting the health and safety of millions of cell phone users on the grounds of its “financial situation”:

“The Federal Council acknowledges that there is indeed a gap in implementation, that there is no market surveillance for these products regarding their health impacts due to NIR [non-ionizing radiation]. However, carrying out these tasks would require human and financial resources. Based on the cost/benefit analysis, and given the Confederation's financial situation, the required resources could not be made available. The Federal Council therefore agrees to dispense with market surveillance for the time being, and proposes to reject this motion.”

United Kingdom: EM Radiation Research Trust question the use of £500 million taxpayer funds for phone masts throughout the UK

Many informative links in this letter.

EM Radiation Research Trust question the use of £500 million taxpayer funds for phone masts throughout the UK

radiationresearch.org/, 11 February 2025

Letter sent via Email to Sir Christopher John Bryant MP Minister of State for Data Protection and Telecoms

Sent: 11 February 2025 13:48
From Eileen O’Connor Director, EM Radiation Research Trust

For the attention of Sir Christopher John Bryant MP Minister of State for Data Protection and Telecoms

Dear Sir Christopher John Bryant MP

The EM Radiation Research Trust question the use of £500 million taxpayer funds for phone masts throughout the UK.

The EM Radiation Research Trust are concerned to hear that the taxpayer is now funding a government scheme to install phone masts to boost signals throughout the UK including ‘non-spots’, the countryside, Areas of Outstanding National Beauty and National Parks leaving no place left to escape for those who do not wish to be exposed to non-ionizing radiation and for those who suffer with electrosensitivity.

Criticism of radiation and digital manipulation: How tech giants threaten childhood and society

Criticism of radiation and digital manipulation: How tech giants threaten childhood and society

Tagesanzeiger.ch, February 2025 - auto-translation

The talk by US psychologist Jonathan Haidt at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos has sparked an intense discussion about the effects of smartphones and social media on children and young people. His core message: Smartphones and platforms like TikTok or Instagram permanently damage the mental and physical health of children. It is worth a critical look not only at the social and psychological consequences, but also at the potential health risks caused by electromagnetic radiation.

Radiation exposure in children's daily life

The increasing smartphone use by children and adolescents poses not only social and psychological, but also physical risks. Studies have already pointed out the potentially harmful effects of mobile radio radiation several times, especially in prolonged and repeated use. Due to thinner skull bones and a still developing brain, children's heads absorb even more radiation than adults. Although the long-term consequences remain controversial, the scientific debate shows a caution towards chronic radiation exposure.

Social media as a "poison for the brain"

Germany: Lesch & Zierer call for a smartphone ban and an educational turnaround

Lesch & Zierer call for a smartphone ban and an educational turnaround
diagnose-funk.org, 5 February 2025 - deepl translation

Lesch and Zierer
Harald Lesch, professor of physics at LMU Munich and prominent science communicator, and Klaus Zierer, professor of school education at the University of Augsburg, are calling for a revolution in the education system to overcome the catastrophic situation. In a 45-minute program on NDR (Norddeutscher Rundfunk) and their joint book “Gute Bildung sieht anders aus” (“Good education looks different”), they explain why immediate action is needed. Social scientist Prof. Tim Engartner also calls for a change in his book “Raus aus der Bildungsfalle. Why we are endangering the future of our children”. Education policy must free itself from the influence of industry. He states: “The digitalization of education is not the solution, but part of the problem."

In the NDR program, the presenter asks Lesch & Zierer: “Nobody needs the digital pact, we need a pencil and paper pact!” (from minute 27:15) This leads to a discussion about the experiences and studies on the effect of digital media on children's learning. The conclusion of the two experts: We need a ban on cell phones at least up to and including elementary school. The use of cell phones at school and in lessons destroys attention, and concentration, and prevents social contact. Bans, with pedagogical support, immediately create a better school and learning environment.

France: Written question from MP Mathieu Lefèvre: a strong signal to protect the health of cell phone users

Written question from MP Mathieu Lefèvre: a strong signal to protect the health of cell phone users
By : Phonegate Team • 11 Feb 2025

The Phonegate Alert association welcomes the written question submitted to the French National Assembly on February 4, 2025, by Mathieu Lefèvre to the Minister of Health and Access to Care, Yannick Neuder. In it, the MP for Val-de-Marne calls on the government to take urgent action to strengthen regulations on SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) levels for cell phones. The initiative also highlights the persistent inaction of the European Commission, despite the formal objection filed by France five years ago.

A written question to get things moving

The written question submitted by MP Mathieu Lefèvre is a strong signal to the French government and the European Union. It is a reminder that inaction in the face of the health risks associated with cell phone radiation is unacceptable. Indeed, the MP asks:

“In 2020, the French government approached the European Commission to obtain a measurement standard of 0 mm from the body. It therefore asks about the follow-up to such a proposal and the possibility of strengthening standards on national territory.”

The MP added:

“Cell phones have become such an important part of our lives that it is imperative that we mobilize collectively to address the health risks involved in such exposure. This is what the Phonegate Alert association is rightly striving for, and we must support it in its endeavours.”

Inadequate European regulations

08 February 2025

New study shows insects highly absorb 5G frequencies

New study shows insects highly absorb 5G frequencies
by Theodora Scarato, ehn.org, 7 February 2025

A study published in the International Journal of Radiation Biology examined how 5G and next generation wireless radiofrequency (RF) radiation frequencies are absorbed into brain and body tissues of 4 different insects - the honeybee, wasp, ladybug and praying mantis.

In short

  • RF radiation absorption can rise sharply in insects depending on several variables, including the waves’ frequency and polarization, and the insect’s size, structure, and morphology.
  • Because of this, the specific frequencies that had the highest rate of absorption into the insects brain tissue, varied widely among species.
  • For example, maximal RF absorption into the insects’ brain and inner tissues was found at 6, 12, and 25 GHz, except the brain tissue of a ladybug (max at 60 GHz) due to its smaller head.
  • However, absorption into insects’ cuticles (their hard outside covering) increased with frequency; for instance, the ladybug cuticle’s rate rose from 0.1 W/kg at 2.5 GHz to 11.9 W/kg at 100 GHz - 119 times higher.

07 February 2025

27 New Papers on Electromagnetic Fields and Biology or Health (6 February 2025)

 27 New Papers on Electromagnetic Fields and Biology or Health (6 February 2025)

Electromagnetic Radiation Safety, 6 February 2025

Dr. Joel Moscowitz, University of California Berkeley, has been circulating abstracts of newly-published scientific papers on radio frequency and other non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF) monthly since 2016. The complete collection of these papers contains more than 2,000 abstracts with links to the papers. Several hundred EMF scientists around the world receive these updates.

To see abstracts for the most recent papers or to download volumes 1 to 3 of this collection go to:

The Collision between Wireless and Biology

Two letters attacking WHO-sponsored Systematic Review on RF-EMF Exposure and Cancer by Karipidis et al. (2024) and Authors' (Inadequate) Responses

New Report Contradicts Telecom Industry Claim That Wireless Radiation Is Safe

New Report Contradicts Telecom Industry Claim That Wireless Radiation Is Safe
by Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D., childrenshealthdefense.org, February 6, 2025

A new peer-reviewed scientific report outlines a mechanism by which non-ionizing radiation can disrupt the biology of living systems, even at levels much lower than what’s needed to heat tissues. The telecom industry has consistently claimed that non-ionizing radiation is harmless to human health.

The basis for the wireless industry’s claim that radiation is safe for humans is scientifically erroneous, according to the author of a new peer-reviewed scientific report.

Paul Héroux, Ph.D., authored the report, which was published Jan. 30 in Heliyon, one of Elsevier’s journals on its ScienceDirect platform.

Héroux, an associate professor of medicine at McGill University in Montreal, Canada, and a medical scientist in McGill University Health Center’s surgery department, has years of experience in physics and electrical engineering.

He is also vice chair of the International Commission on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields (ICBE-EMF), a “consortium of scientists, doctors and researchers” who study wireless radiation and make recommendations for wireless radiation exposure guidelines “based on the best peer-reviewed research publications.”

French PhoneGate exposes potential SAR risks Samsung Galaxy S25. Another RadiationGate?

French PhoneGate exposes potential SAR risks Samsung Galaxy S25. Another RadiationGate?
secondarymarket.news, 2 February 2025

French pressure group, PhoneGate, has unveiled significant discrepancies between the official and actual SAR values – radiation – for the new Samsung Galaxy S25 and S25+. While Samsung claims that the devices comply with European standards—reporting values such as 1.294 W/kg for the Galaxy S25 head—the real exposure measured under normal usage conditions reaches as high as 9.705 W/kg according to PhoneGate. Their independent SAR calculator indicates that actual exposure levels drastically exceed European regulatory limits of 2 W/kg for the head and trunk and 4 W/kg for limbs. The Samsung Galaxy S25+ shows similar dangerous deviations, further fueling concerns about the hidden risks posed to users. A new Apple iPhone 12 RadiationGate in the make?

Secondary market under pressure

The hidden SAR realities caused ripples in the secondary market. Following regulatory pressure in France over its excessive SAR levels, the Apple iPhone 12 was pulled from the market, significantly impacting used and refurbished Apple iPhone 12 resellers. Vendors were left with unsellable inventory, and some even faced financial ruin—a stark example of how radiation concerns can disrupt secondary market dynamics.

Apple moved to address radiation concerns

In response, French authorities pressured Apple to mitigate these risks. And with the new Apple iOS 17.1 update, those SAR values were reduced. We wonder what Samsung will do. Dr Marc Arazi, president of PhoneGate Alert, emphasizes the urgency for regulatory reforms that reflect real-life usage, urging both manufacturers and European authorities to address these critical health and market issues.


06 February 2025

Wi-Fi, Cell Towers May Soon Be Spying on You Without Your Consent

Wi-Fi, Cell Towers May Soon Be Spying on You Without Your Consent
by Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D., childrenshealthdefense.org, February 4, 2025

Wireless radiation could be used to surveil people without their knowledge or consent, even if they aren’t wearing a “smart” device or holding a cellphone, according to the authors of a new study.

The study authors — engineering faculty members with the Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science at the University of Porto, Portugal — posted their report Jan. 24 on the Cornell University open-access research website, arXiv.

The study showcases hardware the authors designed that leveraged ambient wireless radiofrequency (RF) radiation to detect and render a visual image of human activity — such as waving a hand or a person’s breathing rate — with over 90% accuracy.

Their design involved a thin programmable surface — a Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) — that communicates with computers and artificial intelligence (AI).

RIS can manipulate and steer Wi-Fi signals in controlled ways, explained Fariha Husain, manager of Children’s Health Defense’s (CHD) Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) & Wireless Program. “By adjusting how radio waves reflect off this surface, the researchers were able to enhance signal-sensitivity and improve their ability to detect subtle human movements.”

Rise in Aggression, Hallucinations Among Teens Tied to Cellphone Use

Rise in Aggression, Hallucinations Among Teens Tied to Cellphone Use
by Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D., childrenshealthdefense.org,  January 30, 2025

The trend is particularly pronounced in girls, 65% of whom are distressed or struggling in a manner that substantially impairs their ability to function effectively in the world and rises to the level of clinical concern, according to the authors of a study published this month.

Feelings of aggression, anger and hallucinations are rising sharply among adolescents in the U.S. and India — and the increase is linked to the progressively younger age at which children are acquiring cellphones, according to a new study.

Researchers with the nonprofit Sapien Labs wrote in their Jan. 23 report:

“Swift action is needed to safeguard younger generations from a future marked by increased anger, aggression, and violence. … We urge parents at the very least to delay giving their child a smartphone until at least 8th grade or age 13 so as to give them more time to develop healthier social skills and reduce tendencies for anger and aggression.”

The report was based on data from 10,475 adolescents ages 13-17 in the U.S. and India, with roughly 5,000 teens from each country.

01 February 2025

Phonegate: Samsung Galaxy S25 and S25+, alarming exposure levels

Samsung Galaxy S25 and S25+, alarming exposure levels
By : Phonegate Team • 30 Jan 2025

Official values mask a disturbing reality

The new Samsung Galaxy S25 and S25+ feature SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) levels claimed to comply with European standards. Here are the official values provided by the manufacturer:

However, these figures do not reflect users’ actual exposure under normal conditions of use. Our actual SAR calculator reveals much higher levels:

These values far exceed European regulatory limits, set at 2 W/kg for the head and trunk and 4 W/kg for the limbs. This was also the case just recently for the Galaxy S24!

Manufacturers, an obstacle to the evolution of standards

Since 2020, France has officially asked the European Commission to modify the rules for measuring SAR, by requiring that it be calculated in direct contact with the body, and not at a distance of 5 mm, as is currently the case for SAR trunk 12. This request remains unanswered, largely due to the resistance of manufacturers, who continue to favor measurements far removed from actual use.

Continue reading:

30 January 2025

Switzerland: Mobile telephony: The Federal Office for the Environment only checks limit values for “plausibility”

Mobile telephony: FOEN only checks limit values for “plausibility”
by Pascal Sigg, infosperber.ch, 23 January 2025 - DeepL translation

Swisscom and Co. are allowed to calculate themselves whether faulty antennas comply with the limit values. This is shown by documents from a pilot project.

The limit values are the key issue in the dispute over the expansion of the Swiss mobile network. However, for a long time there was hardly any monitoring of whether approved antennas even complied with them. The Federal Supreme Court therefore called on the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) to check the antennas on site (Infosperber reported).

(Photo): Two workers check a Swisscom mobile phone antenna © Cablex AG

The result of a pilot project: almost 40 percent of the randomly checked installations deviated from the approved installation. The FOEN communicated the results of the project in a “fact sheet”. According to this, the deviations did not result in any antenna exceeding the limits.

No limit values exceeded - or were they?

Documents that Infosperber received from the FOEN based on the Public Disclosure Act (BGÖ) show: This was the conclusion that the antenna operators wanted the FOEN to communicate. The industry association Asut intervened with Urs Walker, Head of the Noise and Non-Ionizing Radiation Department, even though representatives of the individual providers were already involved in the project. In a corresponding letter from Asut, it states that the FOEN inspections had not revealed any exceedance of the precautionary installation limit values, which is “certainly the most important finding of the clarifications carried out to date”.

But this cannot be verified independently.

India: Mumbai: Doctors Urge Union Govt To Postpone 5G Radiation Norms, Citing Lack Of Scientific Studies On Adverse Effects

Note: The initiative has been launched under the banner of Awaken India Movement (AIM).  The organization is opposing the recent relaxations in 5G radiation rules as the power density for a 5G Base Tower Station has been increased to 5 watts per square meter from 1 watt. The maximum public exposure limit for a cell tower in the U.S. is 10 watts per square meter.

Mumbai: Doctors Urge Union Govt To Postpone 5G Radiation Norms, Citing Lack Of Scientific Studies On Adverse Effects
Dhairya Gajara, freepressjournal.in, Updated: January 29, 2025

Doctors from across the country have urged the Ministry of Communications to postpone the introduction of revised 5G radiation norms citing public health risks, cybersecurity threats and environmental concerns. The medical professionals have alleged lack of transparency and public engagement in the implementation of norms which are scheduled to be effective from February 1.

(Photo): Doctors Call for Postponement of 5G Radiation Norms, Highlighting Unstudied Health Risks | Representative Image

Mumbai: Doctors from across the country have urged the Ministry of Communications to postpone the introduction of revised 5G radiation norms citing public health risks, cybersecurity threats and environmental concerns. The medical professionals have alleged lack of transparency and public engagement in the implementation of norms which are scheduled to be effective from February 1.

29 January 2025

Wireless Radiation Sickness Gets a New Name: ‘EMR Syndrome’

Wireless radiation sickness has a new and more universally acceptable name: Electromagnetic Radiation Syndrome, or EMR Syndrome. The two most important criteria for the new name were that it would be easily understandable by the public, and wouldn’t stigmatize or blame those with the condition.
Wireless Radiation Sickness Gets a New Name: ‘EMR Syndrome’
by Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D., childrenshealthdefense.org, 28 January 2025

The OneName Project brought together people living with wireless radiation sickness, leading wireless radiation experts, safe technology advocates and medical professionals to choose a single, unifying, non-stigmatizing term for illness caused by exposure to wireless radiation and electromagnetic fields.

Wireless radiation sickness has a new and more universally acceptable name: Electromagnetic Radiation Syndrome, or EMR Syndrome, according to a press release issued by the OneName Project.

EMR Syndrome is a “new unifying name for a 21st-century health crisis,” the press release said.

Millions of people experience physical symptoms — including headaches, insomnia, heart palpitations and more — when exposed to electromagnetic radiation (EMR), according to the press release.

22 January 2025

Switzerland: SICEM Self-Help Groups: In creation: VAUD, Gland - 1st meeting January 28, 2025

We wish to inform English speakers about the self-help groups set up in French-speaking Switzerland on electrohypersensitivity 

Switzerland: SICEM Self-Help Groups: In creation: VAUD, Gland - 1st meeting January 28, 2025

 In creation: VAUD, Gland

1st meeting: TUESDAY, January 28, 2025 - Gland - 17.30-19.00

Also, a meeting taking place in Boudry, canton Neuchâtel in January.


Digital devices in primary school: educational tools or radiation source?


Article from Germany about the use of digital devices in schools. It makes the excellent point that health aspects of exposure to radiation from these devices and Wi-Fi are seldom discussed.

Digital devices in primary school: educational tools or radiation source?

Frankenpost, 19 January 2025 - translation

The increasing use of smartphones and tablets in elementary school not only raises questions about media literacy, but also about health safety. According to a Bitkom study, 17% of children of primary school age already have their own cell phone and 42% have a tablet.

This means that many children are exposed to electromagnetic radiation from mobile devices at an early age - an aspect that has unfortunately received little attention to date.

Early contact: what are the risks?

16 January 2025

Wireless radiation and health: making the case for proteomics research of individual sensitivity

Wireless radiation and health: making the case for proteomics research of individual sensitivity - Opinion article
Dariusz Leszczynski, Front. Public Health, Sec. Radiation and Health, 10 January 2025
Volume 12 - 2024 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2024.1543818


The current deployment of the fifth generation of wireless communication technology (5G) has reignited the long-standing debate around the possibility of health effects from the radiation emitted by the existing wireless communication devices and networks and the new ones introduced by the 5G. The opposition of the part of society toward wireless communication technologies is caused by the uncertainty of whether this radiation affects humans as well as fauna and flora.

Some of the population considers themselves sensitive to wireless radiation, the so-called electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS). Currently, the existence of EHS has not yet been proven scientifically. However, according to the definition of health of the World Health Organization (1) where “health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity”, any person believing his/her health is affected or sensitive to wireless radiation experiences a health effect caused by the wireless radiation. According to the WHO definition of health, just a belief in having EHS and experiencing non-specific symptoms, physiological and/or psychological, is experiencing the health effects of wireless technology. Hence, it is correct to claim that wireless radiation causes health effects.

Continue reading:

Ireland: Growing up without your own smartphone

This article includes a discussion of smartphone bans in primary and secondary schools in Europe.

Mobile phone ban in Ireland - Growing up without your own smartphone

by Michael Gerber, srf,ch, 22 Dec. 2024 - auto-translation

Children should be allowed to be children again – spared from social media and cyberbullying. This is what many parents and schools in Ireland want, who have agreed to ban smartphones.

(Photo): Rachel (left) and her sister Jane snack on homemade strawberry cake. RTS

It's afternoon snack time for 10-year-old Jane and her 8-year-old sister Rachel. The two girls have baked a strawberry cake, which their mother Christina Capatina cuts into pieces and distributes.

Rachel and Jane could score points on Instagram and other social media with their strawberry cake. But the girls don't have smartphones to post pictures of it. "Other children find it hard. I can live well without a smartphone," says Rachel. "The whole world doesn't need to see this strawberry cake."

Voluntary renunciation is becoming more common

WHO Cell Phone Radiation Cancer Study is “Seriously Flawed”

New Publication: WHO Cell Phone Radiation Cancer Study is “Seriously Flawed”
icbe-emf.org, 15 January 2025

Scientists conclude the review does not assure wireless safety, and should not be used to set public health policy

Media Contact:
Joel Moskowitz PhD
Email: jmm@berkeley.edu

A Letter to the Editor published in the journal Environment International by the International Commission on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields (ICBE-EMF) concludes that a recently published World Health Organization (WHO) systematic review and meta-analysis on cell phone radiofrequency radiation (RFR) and cancer risk by Karipidis et al. (2024) is scientifically flawed and does not provide a reliable assessment of the evidence on brain cancer risk associated with the use of cell phones and other wireless technologies. The ICBE-EMF are experts in researching the health effects of RFR from wireless devices and infrastructure including cell phones, Wi-Fi and cell towers.

ICBE-EMF’s scientific leadership points to numerous significant flaws in the WHO review that combine to understate the cancer risk from wireless exposure and undermine the validity of the study’s conclusions, raising serious concerns about its impact on public health policy.