Raise awareness of environmental health issues in order to better protect our children and future generations.

01 March 2025

‘A Gift to This Earth’: Remembering Arthur Firstenberg — Scientist, Writer, Advocate

‘A Gift to This Earth’: Remembering Arthur Firstenberg — Scientist, Writer, Advocate
by Children’s Health Defense TeamThe Defender. Feb 28, 2025

Arthur Firstenberg, author of “The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life” and “The Earth and I,” died Tuesday at his home in Santa Fe, New Mexico. He was born May 28, 1950.

Firstenberg described himself as a scientist, journalist, and practitioner of several healing arts. To those who knew him personally or through his books, he was a gifted writer-philosopher with the rare ability to convey science through the art of prose.

Firstenberg suffered from Electromagnetic Radiation Syndrome (EMR Syndrome) and dedicated his life to raising awareness about environmental health and the need for scientific inquiry in this field.

A passionate advocate for understanding the hidden impacts of electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs), Firstenberg was a pioneer whose work sparked global conversations on the health effects of modern technology.

Susan Foster, a writer currently on sabbatical from McCollough Law Firm, said:

“Arthur Firstenberg was a gift to this Earth, largely because he spent his entire life attempting to protect and improve the Earth and all its inhabitants. Cantankerous and obstinate would be two appropriate adjectives to describe this unique man.

“Yet he was brilliant, a beautiful writer, and he was determined to change the law to make the world a safer place because of the exponential increase of man-made electromagnetic radiation.

“Aruthur failed in his legal efforts, yet his commitment to change and to educate was unwavering. He had an exceptionally skilled way of educating people by turning science into prose, and that gift will be his legacy.”

Firstenberg’s book, “The Invisible Rainbow,” explored the historical and scientific connections between electricity and disease, urging readers to reconsider the invisible forces shaping our lives.

The book explores the profound effects of EMFs on human health and the environment. Firstenberg meticulously traces the history of electricity, from its early adoption to the modern wireless era, making a compelling case that electromagnetic pollution from artificial sources has been a silent but significant factor in many chronic diseases and environmental crises.

He presents fascinating evidence that the rise of electrification correlates with the emergence of major health epidemics, including flu outbreaks, heart disease, diabetes, and neurological disorders. He documents how the introduction of new EMF sources has consistently coincided with widespread illness.

The book also challenges the flawed mainstream narrative that non-ionizing radiation is harmless. Using scientific studies, medical records and firsthand accounts, Firstenberg argues that long-term exposure to even low levels of EMFs disrupts biological systems, damages cells, and contributes to chronic disease.

He also highlights the devastating impact of wireless radiation on wildlife, including declining bee populations and disoriented birds.

Firstenberg’s work reshapes our understanding of electricity and its biological impact, criticizes the unchecked expansion of wireless technology, and calls for a precautionary approach to wireless radiation exposure.

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