Limits don’t protect children
The problem with heating standards, if they can be called standards at all - except in a microwave oven - is the vulnerability of children. Tolerance is a more appropriate term.
“Children are much more vulnerable than adults,” says Trower, “for two reasons: one, they have a higher water content in the body which means they absorb around 10 times more radiation than adults and the other is that the mitochondrial DNA suffers 10 times more stress than other bodily DNA. If you look at the child, the child is taking a 20-fold increase in danger than adults. This is also before we get onto their size. They also absorb more radiation because they are nearer the size of the wavelength and they act as aerials.”
In a court deposition presented in Portland, Oregon in 2011, Trower explained the phenomenon of children as aerials. “Children act like antennas and absorb more radiation than adults because they are smaller, and their very dimensions approximate the deployment's wavelength.”9
As Trower explained it in Oregon, “A basic receiving antenna can be thought of as an apparatus that converts electromagnetic waves into electrical current. It turns out that the human body is also a very effective antenna over a broad frequency range. As an electrical conductor, when exposed to electromagnetic fields, it behaves as an antenna with a frequency resonance determined by various factors including height, posture, etc.
Children are not merely small adults. They are physiologically and neurologically immature; their systems have not yet formed. Microwave radiation alters the blood-brain barrier so that toxins leak into the brain. This can cause neurologic and psychologic amongst many other problems more easily in children. A child's immune system, which fights off infection, takes 18 years to develop. Additionally, 122 layers of protein - myelin - insulate the electrically generated signals used by the nervous system to control muscles and organs. These layers of protein take 22 years to develop. MW radiation has been shown to affect protein synthesis. This could lead to muscular dystrophy-like symptoms in later life.”
Trower’s greatest concern about children is the fact that the blood-brain barrier in the human brain does not completely develop until the age of 18 months. “The blood brain barrier has been known to enlarge and let toxins in and out of the brain,” he claims. “That takes 18 months before it is even made. Similarly the myelin sheet protein synthesis is known to be interfered with as well as the marrow within the bone which has a high water content.”
Protect your daughters
“I want to talk at length about one particular problem which I believe is very, very important,” said Trower, asking the audience to imagine themselves as young girls sitting at their school desks being irradiated by wi-fi, laptops and electronic tablet textbooks. “The problem with children and I think it is the most important question or topic now to deal with microwaves,” he explained “With all of the research papers, the first thing that springs to mind (and I’ve already read them) is birth defects and we’re looking, not just in humans, but right across the mammalian species, right across the planet. To explain this I need to keep it simple for myself. I would like you to imagine, please, that you are all five years old and you are all girls and you’re sitting in a classroom and a wi-fi is plonked in front of you ...
“The wi-fi is transmitting as is the router on the wall. Now the wi-fi is transmitting generally through your ovaries and you have around 400,000 ovarian follicles - not fully developed - sitting there. They are being irradiated. Let’s move the clock forward to the point where you are now 18. You have been through many years of having your ovaries irradiated. And let’s say now you are 18 and you are pregnant and I have taught many pregnant students.
In the first 100 days of your embryo the embryo is developing its own ovarian follicles. By 100 days, as you will probably know, they are virtually formed. ” said Trower. The ovarian follicles of the 18-year-old have been damaged and this damage is passed down to her daughter and her daughter. In short, the stage is being set for a catastrophe unseen before in human history.
“They have no defense mechanism at all against microwaves,” said Trower. “There is no Protein 53 which are four protein structures. There is no nuclear core complex. Those are defense structures we have developed through evolution to protect us against electric storms when we were living in caves. They have nothing. So the ovarian follicles of the embryo and the mother may not even know she’s pregnant at this stage - the ovarian follicles have no defense mechanism - and what we are looking at is when your child is born, which may or may not have genetic damage, it is that child’s birth where the real problem is going to come out. And we are already seeing this with other mammalian species and if you’re wondering how many people are going to be involved - there is only one paper I know of in the world written by a professor, oddly enough, by an advisor with the W.H.O. and he found when women were being deliberately microwaved the rate of stillbirth, miscarriage, genetically damaged children was 57.7 percent and this was at a level of radiation lower than a child would get in a classroom with 20 wi-fis (desktop units).
We know a minimum of 57 percent. Now that’s the good news.” The mitochondrial cells are where the cell takes in nutrients, breaks it down to create energy at the cellular level. Thus, if the mitochondrial cells are damaged, the cell cannot function properly. Logically, when this occurs in the cells of ovarian follicles, eggs will not be healthy or even produced. At a personal level, infertility is unfortunate. At a social level, where a country needs healthy workers to prosper, damaged embryos can lead to widespread social problems. On a global scale, the consequences can be catastrophic.
Trower is an academic who shies away from politics. He deals in theory.
Trower’s assertions are, however, supported by sound science from researchers such as Prof. Olle Johansson at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm who posits that after five generations, laboratory animals became infertile. As for DNA damage, Dr. Dimitris Panagopoulos at the University of Athens proved DNA damage to annoying creatures such as fruit flies. In a recent paper, Panagopoulos reported: ... external EMFs of varying/alternating nature, modulated and pulsed fields such as those associated with modern wireless telecommunications or produced by power lines, would not be expected to have beneficial action. Rather as demonstrated in the present chapter, these can be expected to be detrimental even at intensities thousands or even millions of times smaller than those of the current exposure limits. Ways of direct and indirect electromagnetic interaction between environmental fields and living systems are described in the present chapter.
“The bad news, as most of you will know,” said Trower, “is that the mitochondrial DNA is irreparable. So what we’re saying to your children is if we damage your mitochondrial DNA it is their children and their children and their children. As long as there is a female line you will have this genetic damage. So, by putting wi-fi in school classrooms, what you’re actually doing is sentencing 57 percent of your children to some form of birth defect forever. This is where the joke stops. It isn’t a decision we have the right to make.”
Ireland’s Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairi Quinn, T.D., disagrees. An architect and town planner, Quinn was quoted in February, 2013 by Breakingnews.ie, saying, "All of our (European Union) classrooms, right across the 27, soon to be 28 member states, have to embrace that technology because the rest of the world is doing so and we have to do so as well. It won't change education per se, but it will change the way in which we do education."
Mr. Quinn was proved wrong a month later when the French Assemblée Nationale voted to keep radiofrequency electromagnetic fields away from schools. As part of an amendment to the bill for the 'rebuilding the schools of the Republic', MPs voted to promote wired Ethernet connections in schools and not wi-fi, supporting the precautionary principle and protecting children's health.10
In addition to France, the Public Health Department of Salzburg has warned that wi-fi should not be put in schools or nurseries. The Austrian Medical Association is lobbying against the deployment of wi-fi in schools. In a letter to the parents of Salzburg, Dr. Gerd Oberfeld, who addressed the Irish Doctors Environmental Association two years ago, said, “Based on first empirical evidence from sensitive people, the signal seems to be ‘very biologically active’ The symptoms seen so far are the same seen in base station studies: headaches, concentration difficulty, restlessness, memory problems etc. The official advice of the Public Health Department of the Salzburg Region is not to use WLAN and DECT in School or Kindergardens.” WLAN is an acronym for Wireless Local Area Network or the ubquitous wi-fi proposed for Irish schools and DECT stands for Digital European Cordless Telecommunications, the wireless phones found in homes and offices. In Germany, too, the Bavarian Parliament has recommended that no schools in the province use wireless LAN (Local Area Network) networks. The Frankfurt City government said that it would not install wi-fi in its schools until it had been shown to be harmless.
From Russia, Prof. Yury Grigoriev, a member of the WHO International Advisory Committee on EMF and Health, said, “The short-term and long-term potential consequences for society from exposing children to microwave radiation from cellular communication devices must be immediately acknowledged globally, and responsibly addressed.”11
In North America, David Morrison took court action to block wireless in schools in Oregon, he explained, “I brought a federal law suit against the school board of Portland OR. for installing wi-fi in the schools. The suit was based on 14th amendment rights to a safe environment for my daughter's education. My research led me to Barrie and he generously agreed to be a witness in our action. As a result we traveled to London to meet him for depositions and at another time spent three days interviewing him. The suit has been defined by the judge as a complaint against the FCC and not suitable for the courts. Of course it was an easy out for the judge.
We are now preparing an action to reignite the case.”
Support for Trower and a growing number of experts is growing around the world.
Trower’s unmet challenge
It is at this point that Trower issues his first challenge - one that has never been taken up anywhere he has spoken, whether on television or at public meetings. “Now I have been right around the world lecturing and in every country in the last however many years,“ he said, “When I appear on television or radio I make a challenge and I say what I want. I want this country’s top scientists, government scientists, industry scientists, I don’t care how many there are...I want them to humiliate me live, on air, and would they please come and do it. I have one question, just one question. What is the safe level of microwave irradiation for the ovarian follicles of an embryo? Drug companies can tell you if they have produced a drug for a child but to date in all of the years in every country not one person will meet me live on television and tell me, not one And the reason is there isn’t one. I know there isn’t one because there cannot be. There isn’t one. My reaction is, well, Why are we putting wi-fi in schools? Simple as that.”
Trower relentlessly throws out statistics. When transmitters went up there were 200 cancer clusters in schools. The Council of Europe is recommending wired systems in schools. Eight other countries are negotiating or taking wi-fi out of schools.
“Unicef, a charity, the children’s charity that I think is beyond reproach,” noted Trower, “they did their own survey research for children and they found there was an 85 percent increase in central nervous system disorders, a 36 percent increase in epilepsy, 11 percent in psychiatric problems, 82 percent in blood / immune disorders in children and risk to the fetus,“ he said. “Recent news came in within the last few days, how big a part I played in this I don’t know, but I have been in touch with various people over there, but 60,000 pediatricians in the U.S. have petitioned Congress to take wi-fi out of schools. 60,000. That is not a small body of knowledge. If you add that to the 40,000 similar bodies who signed the Freiberger agreement - hospital consultants and people like yourselves - we have 100,000 of the most educated professionals in the world - probably the most educated professionals in the world - 100,000 saying, ‘Protect our children and get wi-fi out of schools’.”
“In China, parotid cancer from the cell phone - up 3,000 percent. Other countries are now listing huge increases in childhood brain tumours,” said Trower. “They are actually saying it is down to cell phones. Neurologically, and it is published here in the Journal of Neurological Science, on tens of thousands of children explaining why low level microwaves are causing all of the neurological problems they are in children. If you think of some of the chemicals, just a few of them, whizzing around the brain, anandimide, encephalin, orexin, the balance between the frontal cortex and the amygdala, the frontal cortex and the ventral paradigm if you look at those and I’m going down from the morphine substitutes, the marijuannas, the severe hunger, the severe hopelessness and the severe anger just with those alone...
“The current used by that part of the brain to release those chemicals into the brain is around 2 milliamps. Under certain conditions, ordinary everyday conditions, that can be increased 17-fold by microwaves. 17-fold. It’s not surprising when you have neurological papers saying it’s causing this or it’s causing this or this or this. We know it’s going to because it’s been used in stealth warfare to do this. So we know it but it can be increased 17-fold under normal, everyday household conditions.” he said.
Trower displays photographs of a woman who carried her cell phone in her bra. He admitted that one woman suffering a breast tumour does not prove the cause of her tumour was where she placed her cell phone. “But,” noted Trower, “I have on a disc in here, I have 45 peer reviewed research studies showing that the breast tissue is particularly sensitive to microwave radiation. Women suffer more than men because they have 13 circadian rhythms / frequencies in their bodies in which microwaves interact with that men don’t have. They have much more complex hormones, again which are more susceptible to women so women do suffer more than men and obviously girls more more than boys.”
Support for Trower and a growing number of experts is growing around the world.
Trower’s unmet challenge
It is at this point that Trower issues his first challenge - one that has never been taken up anywhere he has spoken, whether on television or at public meetings. “Now I have been right around the world lecturing and in every country in the last however many years,“ he said, “When I appear on television or radio I make a challenge and I say what I want. I want this country’s top scientists, government scientists, industry scientists, I don’t care how many there are...I want them to humiliate me live, on air, and would they please come and do it. I have one question, just one question. What is the safe level of microwave irradiation for the ovarian follicles of an embryo? Drug companies can tell you if they have produced a drug for a child but to date in all of the years in every country not one person will meet me live on television and tell me, not one And the reason is there isn’t one. I know there isn’t one because there cannot be. There isn’t one. My reaction is, well, Why are we putting wi-fi in schools? Simple as that.”
Trower relentlessly throws out statistics. When transmitters went up there were 200 cancer clusters in schools. The Council of Europe is recommending wired systems in schools. Eight other countries are negotiating or taking wi-fi out of schools.
“Unicef, a charity, the children’s charity that I think is beyond reproach,” noted Trower, “they did their own survey research for children and they found there was an 85 percent increase in central nervous system disorders, a 36 percent increase in epilepsy, 11 percent in psychiatric problems, 82 percent in blood / immune disorders in children and risk to the fetus,“ he said. “Recent news came in within the last few days, how big a part I played in this I don’t know, but I have been in touch with various people over there, but 60,000 pediatricians in the U.S. have petitioned Congress to take wi-fi out of schools. 60,000. That is not a small body of knowledge. If you add that to the 40,000 similar bodies who signed the Freiberger agreement - hospital consultants and people like yourselves - we have 100,000 of the most educated professionals in the world - probably the most educated professionals in the world - 100,000 saying, ‘Protect our children and get wi-fi out of schools’.”
“In China, parotid cancer from the cell phone - up 3,000 percent. Other countries are now listing huge increases in childhood brain tumours,” said Trower. “They are actually saying it is down to cell phones. Neurologically, and it is published here in the Journal of Neurological Science, on tens of thousands of children explaining why low level microwaves are causing all of the neurological problems they are in children. If you think of some of the chemicals, just a few of them, whizzing around the brain, anandimide, encephalin, orexin, the balance between the frontal cortex and the amygdala, the frontal cortex and the ventral paradigm if you look at those and I’m going down from the morphine substitutes, the marijuannas, the severe hunger, the severe hopelessness and the severe anger just with those alone...
“The current used by that part of the brain to release those chemicals into the brain is around 2 milliamps. Under certain conditions, ordinary everyday conditions, that can be increased 17-fold by microwaves. 17-fold. It’s not surprising when you have neurological papers saying it’s causing this or it’s causing this or this or this. We know it’s going to because it’s been used in stealth warfare to do this. So we know it but it can be increased 17-fold under normal, everyday household conditions.” he said.
Trower displays photographs of a woman who carried her cell phone in her bra. He admitted that one woman suffering a breast tumour does not prove the cause of her tumour was where she placed her cell phone. “But,” noted Trower, “I have on a disc in here, I have 45 peer reviewed research studies showing that the breast tissue is particularly sensitive to microwave radiation. Women suffer more than men because they have 13 circadian rhythms / frequencies in their bodies in which microwaves interact with that men don’t have. They have much more complex hormones, again which are more susceptible to women so women do suffer more than men and obviously girls more more than boys.”
It is relevant to note that University College in Dublin hosted a series of seminars supported by the Irish Cancer Society to address the issue of female breast cancer in October, 2012. The issue of microwave radiation was not included in the the group’s focus, however, psychotherapy was. It is also relevant that the Irish Cancer Society is heavily supported by the microwave industry.
In addition to the intentional suppression of evidence, there is the contentious issue posed by recognition of the Thermal Effect and standards issued by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). It is a high-sounding title which wreaks of Orwellian Newspeak. “Some of the countries I have been to have asked where can we go from here? Can we actually fight the industry? The answer is, ‘Yes’,” said Trower. “Generally what I find when I talk to the people involved in the countries, generally they have been lied to. And if you have been lied to, you have obviously, through barristers and people, a recourse and one of the things that have been thrown in my face right around the world is what they call call the ICNIRP certificate...
ICNIRP was ostensibly established to set standards for public protection under the voluntary Precautionary Principle. “When we go to these countries they say, ‘Ha’ six minutes of heating, but that is not true and this is where the lie comes in. Generally the industry goes to a school or a body and say the levels are up here and we’re down here and everything is okay. That is actually not true and I have fought two international cases on this. My first question when I have this thrown in my face is, ‘Have you read it?’ (ICNIRP guidelines) and to date, again around the world, I have never met a single person who’s read the guidelines they are throwing in my face. Well, I have,” said Trower.
Again citing official documentation, Trower chokes them with their own admissions. “Here, “ he said, “on page 545 it says, for example, some children, the elderly and chronically ill people might have a lower tolerance for the radiation than the rest of the population. They need separate guidelines and they go on to say, even under those guidelines, there will be other people which they call sensitive individuals who need, again, separate guidelines. In other words, the electro-sensitive. And it goes on... Page 546... this is the bit they don’t like, it says that decision-makers should read current scientific literature and set an exposure level at a tolerance lower than what is known to be causing illness and that is not the ICNIRP level which is up there. In other words you should set a safety level lower than what is known to be causing illness and they don’t do that.”
The international battle between the Thermal Effect advocates and those pressing for stricter guidelines and regulations has become heated in Canada where Health Canada proposed that Canadians are protected by vaunted and violated Safety Code 6 Guidelines.
The debate exploded when it was learned that those guideline are also based on the Thermal Effect. Jerry Flynn, a former military man like Trower, offers parallel evidence. Flynn, too, is challenging the Canadian government and Dr. David Butler-Jones, chief Public Health Officer of Canada’s Public Health Agency.
Flynn, a retired Canadian Armed Forces captain, spent 22 of his 26-years-and-a-day years service in Electronic (EW) and Radio Warfare.. He spent two years as Executive Officer & Operations Officer at an ultra-sensitive radio station directly employing 200-plus specially-trained radio operators and technicians and another two years’ National Defense Headquarters, in the Directorate of Electronic Warfare, as the Staff Officer EW for Canada’s only Army EW Squadron. He has conducted Electronic Warfare at sea with the Royal Canadian Navy and on land with NATO army units.
Trower, Flynn and the former SAS member Victor Nixon who died last year, age 59, in Idaho, are just three military men to step forward and challenge government. Like Trower and Nixon - each working from separate perspectives and unknown to each other, they challenge authority. Flynn is challenging the health authorities in Canada. “I would like Dr. Butler-Jones to answer for me, please - in unambiguous language - how Health Canada can continue telling the public that they are protected by Safety Code 6 when Canada's own internationally respected and independent National Research Council (who are also based in Ottawa but report to Industry Canada), the Council of Europe (47 countries, 800 million people) and the Russian Federation all say Canada's Exposure Limits – being based solely on thermal effects of EMR/RFR - are amongst the highest, i.e., most dangerous in the world! I would appreciate an acknowledgement of receipt from Dr. Butler- Jones, please,” said Flynn.
For military men to step forward to defend themselves and their people against the actions of the governments they served is a remarkable act of courage.
Trower, Flynn and Nixon - all military men - raise the Roman poet, Juvenal’s question, “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?” (“Who will guard the guards themselves?”). Indeed, who is protecting the military and the police who are using Tetra.
In addition to the intentional suppression of evidence, there is the contentious issue posed by recognition of the Thermal Effect and standards issued by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). It is a high-sounding title which wreaks of Orwellian Newspeak. “Some of the countries I have been to have asked where can we go from here? Can we actually fight the industry? The answer is, ‘Yes’,” said Trower. “Generally what I find when I talk to the people involved in the countries, generally they have been lied to. And if you have been lied to, you have obviously, through barristers and people, a recourse and one of the things that have been thrown in my face right around the world is what they call call the ICNIRP certificate...
ICNIRP was ostensibly established to set standards for public protection under the voluntary Precautionary Principle. “When we go to these countries they say, ‘Ha’ six minutes of heating, but that is not true and this is where the lie comes in. Generally the industry goes to a school or a body and say the levels are up here and we’re down here and everything is okay. That is actually not true and I have fought two international cases on this. My first question when I have this thrown in my face is, ‘Have you read it?’ (ICNIRP guidelines) and to date, again around the world, I have never met a single person who’s read the guidelines they are throwing in my face. Well, I have,” said Trower.
Again citing official documentation, Trower chokes them with their own admissions. “Here, “ he said, “on page 545 it says, for example, some children, the elderly and chronically ill people might have a lower tolerance for the radiation than the rest of the population. They need separate guidelines and they go on to say, even under those guidelines, there will be other people which they call sensitive individuals who need, again, separate guidelines. In other words, the electro-sensitive. And it goes on... Page 546... this is the bit they don’t like, it says that decision-makers should read current scientific literature and set an exposure level at a tolerance lower than what is known to be causing illness and that is not the ICNIRP level which is up there. In other words you should set a safety level lower than what is known to be causing illness and they don’t do that.”
The international battle between the Thermal Effect advocates and those pressing for stricter guidelines and regulations has become heated in Canada where Health Canada proposed that Canadians are protected by vaunted and violated Safety Code 6 Guidelines.
The debate exploded when it was learned that those guideline are also based on the Thermal Effect. Jerry Flynn, a former military man like Trower, offers parallel evidence. Flynn, too, is challenging the Canadian government and Dr. David Butler-Jones, chief Public Health Officer of Canada’s Public Health Agency.
Flynn, a retired Canadian Armed Forces captain, spent 22 of his 26-years-and-a-day years service in Electronic (EW) and Radio Warfare.. He spent two years as Executive Officer & Operations Officer at an ultra-sensitive radio station directly employing 200-plus specially-trained radio operators and technicians and another two years’ National Defense Headquarters, in the Directorate of Electronic Warfare, as the Staff Officer EW for Canada’s only Army EW Squadron. He has conducted Electronic Warfare at sea with the Royal Canadian Navy and on land with NATO army units.
Trower, Flynn and the former SAS member Victor Nixon who died last year, age 59, in Idaho, are just three military men to step forward and challenge government. Like Trower and Nixon - each working from separate perspectives and unknown to each other, they challenge authority. Flynn is challenging the health authorities in Canada. “I would like Dr. Butler-Jones to answer for me, please - in unambiguous language - how Health Canada can continue telling the public that they are protected by Safety Code 6 when Canada's own internationally respected and independent National Research Council (who are also based in Ottawa but report to Industry Canada), the Council of Europe (47 countries, 800 million people) and the Russian Federation all say Canada's Exposure Limits – being based solely on thermal effects of EMR/RFR - are amongst the highest, i.e., most dangerous in the world! I would appreciate an acknowledgement of receipt from Dr. Butler- Jones, please,” said Flynn.
For military men to step forward to defend themselves and their people against the actions of the governments they served is a remarkable act of courage.
Trower, Flynn and Nixon - all military men - raise the Roman poet, Juvenal’s question, “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?” (“Who will guard the guards themselves?”). Indeed, who is protecting the military and the police who are using Tetra.
Why Bees Can’t Survive
Nearly imperceptively, Trower is building a case. From his personal history to scientific evidence of experimentation on humans - forbidden by international agreement in the post-WWII Nuremberg Code, he moves to the complex - perhaps purposely so - issue of the disappearance of bees.
Obviously, it’s not just people,” explained Trower, “there are papers here we are looking at – birth problems and deformities researched by government veterinary clinics and we have something called the Glastonbury Festival in England. Twice I’ve been the guest speaker for the Glastonbury Festival and I spoke to university professors who are beekeepers and I cited 14 references as to why the bee cannot survive in microwaves - or any other flying insects. We have birds are affected and it has appeared in Nature for the scientists here it’s the cryptochrome mechanism in the brain. There have been further state government studies in cattle with birth defects – horses are particularly vulnerable to everything I’ve spoken of, whales, and there is a list here, cats, dogs, hamsters and they cite immune system birth problems, just about every animal there is on the planet is going to be affected which isn’t surprising because, if you think about it, at the cellular level when you get down to the DNA and the four bases, we are really all the same. And if you’re going to affect human cells you’re going to affect tree cells, buttercup cells, even germ cells,” he said.
“Unfortunately, the situation with the bees is a page out of the playbook that we deal with all the time with the mobile phone industry,” said George Carlo12, an epidemiologist and head of the Science and Public Policy Institute in Washington, D.C. “When the bee story first broke, it was based on a German study that showed information carrying radio waves disrupted the ability of bees to make it back to their hives. Most people in the public don't know the back story, so they do not see the manipulation coming or have the necessary bases for skepticism to see through it.”
Carlo attributes the disappearance of bees (or CCD, Colony Collapse Disorder) to five factors: 1) timing, the speed at which the phenomenon has spread; 2) the absence of adequate scientific research to support chemical or biological causes; 3) The fact that microwaves interfere with intercellular communications; 4) the suggestion we are near a saturation point of these waves in the ambient environment with bees as the likely the harbinger or the proverbial 'canaries in the coal mine'; and 5) although there is at least one peer-reviewed study that supports it, the pattern is global which suggests a cause that is globally present.
“Taken together,” said Carlo, “EMR is the only explanation that makes sense regarding the disappearing bees: the timing is correct -- the problem has occurred primarily within the past two years....when we have nearly tripled the background level of information carrying radio waves; the pattern is global so that suggests a cause that is globally present; there is at least one peer-reviewed study that supports it, and there is a mechanism documented that lends biological plausibility.”
Nearly imperceptively, Trower is building a case. From his personal history to scientific evidence of experimentation on humans - forbidden by international agreement in the post-WWII Nuremberg Code, he moves to the complex - perhaps purposely so - issue of the disappearance of bees.
Obviously, it’s not just people,” explained Trower, “there are papers here we are looking at – birth problems and deformities researched by government veterinary clinics and we have something called the Glastonbury Festival in England. Twice I’ve been the guest speaker for the Glastonbury Festival and I spoke to university professors who are beekeepers and I cited 14 references as to why the bee cannot survive in microwaves - or any other flying insects. We have birds are affected and it has appeared in Nature for the scientists here it’s the cryptochrome mechanism in the brain. There have been further state government studies in cattle with birth defects – horses are particularly vulnerable to everything I’ve spoken of, whales, and there is a list here, cats, dogs, hamsters and they cite immune system birth problems, just about every animal there is on the planet is going to be affected which isn’t surprising because, if you think about it, at the cellular level when you get down to the DNA and the four bases, we are really all the same. And if you’re going to affect human cells you’re going to affect tree cells, buttercup cells, even germ cells,” he said.
“Unfortunately, the situation with the bees is a page out of the playbook that we deal with all the time with the mobile phone industry,” said George Carlo12, an epidemiologist and head of the Science and Public Policy Institute in Washington, D.C. “When the bee story first broke, it was based on a German study that showed information carrying radio waves disrupted the ability of bees to make it back to their hives. Most people in the public don't know the back story, so they do not see the manipulation coming or have the necessary bases for skepticism to see through it.”
Carlo attributes the disappearance of bees (or CCD, Colony Collapse Disorder) to five factors: 1) timing, the speed at which the phenomenon has spread; 2) the absence of adequate scientific research to support chemical or biological causes; 3) The fact that microwaves interfere with intercellular communications; 4) the suggestion we are near a saturation point of these waves in the ambient environment with bees as the likely the harbinger or the proverbial 'canaries in the coal mine'; and 5) although there is at least one peer-reviewed study that supports it, the pattern is global which suggests a cause that is globally present.
“Taken together,” said Carlo, “EMR is the only explanation that makes sense regarding the disappearing bees: the timing is correct -- the problem has occurred primarily within the past two years....when we have nearly tripled the background level of information carrying radio waves; the pattern is global so that suggests a cause that is globally present; there is at least one peer-reviewed study that supports it, and there is a mechanism documented that lends biological plausibility.”
“In our view, this is a serious 'red flag' of risk that should be heeded. This is yet another example of mobile phone industry orchestration aimed at distracting the public from data that can save lives,” said Carlo.
In the winter of 2006-2007, CCD killed 32 percent of America’s honeybees. The next winter, another 36 percent—more than a million hives—died. In 2009 Rowan Jacobson, editor of the Art of Eating reported from Vermont:
“At first I was in denial,” Olson recalled. “Then I just felt weak and had to lean against my truck. A year’s hard work for naught!” Olson wound up losing all 50 hives that had overwintered in one particular bee yard. That’s bad enough, but it pales next to some operations. Adee Honey Farms of South Dakota, the largest beekeeping business in the country, lost 28,000 of its 70,000 hives. That’s about a billion bees gone missing.
“It’s off the charts,” said Bret Adee. “It’s not a sustainable thing, what’s happening now.” At first it looked as though the United States was the sole sufferer of CCD, but the rest of the world quickly reported losses also. “The situation for bees in Europe is no better than for bees in North America,” says Bernard Vaissière, a pollination specialist with the French National Institute for Agricultural Research. A report issued last August by the European Food Safety Authority estimates that the UK lost about 30 percent of its honeybees in 2007, while Italy lost 40 to 50 percent. Whatever is taking down bees has gone global.
And it isn’t only bees that are disappearing. In the British Isles the ubiquitous Busy Lizzie or Impatiens beloved by millions of gardeners has disappeared from D.I.Y. shops and garden centers - ostensibly due to a fungal attack. Unofficial trials in unaffected areas are proving the plant does not want to germinate. A group of 9th grade school children found the same phenomenon in Denmark. Cress seeds placed next to a wi-fi router did not grow and some of those that did were mutated or died.14
In the winter of 2006-2007, CCD killed 32 percent of America’s honeybees. The next winter, another 36 percent—more than a million hives—died. In 2009 Rowan Jacobson, editor of the Art of Eating reported from Vermont:
“At first I was in denial,” Olson recalled. “Then I just felt weak and had to lean against my truck. A year’s hard work for naught!” Olson wound up losing all 50 hives that had overwintered in one particular bee yard. That’s bad enough, but it pales next to some operations. Adee Honey Farms of South Dakota, the largest beekeeping business in the country, lost 28,000 of its 70,000 hives. That’s about a billion bees gone missing.
“It’s off the charts,” said Bret Adee. “It’s not a sustainable thing, what’s happening now.” At first it looked as though the United States was the sole sufferer of CCD, but the rest of the world quickly reported losses also. “The situation for bees in Europe is no better than for bees in North America,” says Bernard Vaissière, a pollination specialist with the French National Institute for Agricultural Research. A report issued last August by the European Food Safety Authority estimates that the UK lost about 30 percent of its honeybees in 2007, while Italy lost 40 to 50 percent. Whatever is taking down bees has gone global.
And it isn’t only bees that are disappearing. In the British Isles the ubiquitous Busy Lizzie or Impatiens beloved by millions of gardeners has disappeared from D.I.Y. shops and garden centers - ostensibly due to a fungal attack. Unofficial trials in unaffected areas are proving the plant does not want to germinate. A group of 9th grade school children found the same phenomenon in Denmark. Cress seeds placed next to a wi-fi router did not grow and some of those that did were mutated or died.14
“Now again,” noted Trower, “very, very recently Scientific American published an article of the 27 greatest risks to the planet, I can link low level microwaves to 18 of them direct. 18 of the 27, 67 percent.”
Sinister Course
Sinister Course
Although Trower makes a concerted effort to avoid politics, he makes what is, perhaps, the most political statement of all – and it is of Biblical proportions. “Now, just to finish off,” perhaps literally and figuratively, Trower says, “microwaves are taking a very, very sinister course at the moment. They are used in global weather warfare. A few years ago three papers were published showing that that the greatest contributor to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere now is the communications industry. They put more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than any other industry even more than the aviation industry. 110 million tonnes, 29 million cars – that was a few years ago before all your iPods and iPods came along.”
Trower finds himself at the epicentre of conflict between the Global Warming crowd and the Deniers. “Now you may or may believe in global warming, I’m not going into that here,” he said, “but one thing cannot be disputed. When you have carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and it mixes with rainwater, you have carbolic acid. And the carbolic acid comes down into the oceans. And again, Scientific American or Nature, have published that the acidity of the oceans has reached critical levels for the photosynthesisers in the ocean and they produce about 50 percent of the world’s oxygen. A lot of people don’t realize that.”
… for the punchline he adds, “We are really running the risk of losing our planet.”
Trower: The King and I
Were it not so serious, it would be laughable. Trower’s observation that if half of the world’s scientists are employed by the military, then the scientific world is nearly evenly divided between those who want to help humanity and those who want to harm us. “Microwaves are used in microbiological warfare, atmospheric warfare, environmental warfare,” said Trower. “It seems that when you have half the world’s scientists engaged by the military, who have nothing else to do but to dream up ‘how can I harm someone else’ it’s not surprising that we have all of these things now. And to finish off, I’m not boasting when I say this, I have probably met around 40 royals, leaders of governments, leaders of peoples, other important people around the world and they started to tell me as I was going around. I was picking up a familiar theme.”
A true English academic in a much-photographed green tweed sports jacket and matching everything else in green, Trower is not given to the playfulness of British whimsy or wishful thinking, however he does admit that he had a crystal ball. “And I always wished I was the one who was clever enough to think this up but I wasn’t. It was a king who had an Oxbridge (Oxford-Cambridge) law degree and we were having lunch in his garden. He leaned forward and he said, ‘I can tell you one thing, Barrie,’ he said, ‘I am losing the viability of my country.’ And then the pieces started to fall in. He said, ‘Since the mobile industry moved in I lost a vast number of my insects which means I have to start importing fruits or we get scurvy. We grow vitamin C plants. I’m losing my cattle which means I’ll have to start importing other cattle. I’m losing my trees and all my other plants. My people are becoming sick and I have a paper that shows it could be as much as another 40 percent on your health bill. My people are becoming sick which means I’ll have to start importing medicines.’ He said, ‘Now if you think – let’s assume you have 10 million cell phone users in my country and the daily bill one euro a day, I’m losing the best part of 10 million euros a day going out. Admittedly tax comes off and they run shops and things but the majority of the money goes out.’ And he said, ‘Any child who knows how a money box works can tell you that I as a country am going to go bankrupt. Sooner or later I’ve got to go bankrupt.
“‘He said, when it gets worse, he said, the very countries that bring the cell towers in and cause the damage are the very countries - namely the Americans and the Indonesians - He said they are the very countries, the first in, to offer aid, a very generous package. He said, but there is a price for aid., He said they want mining rights, they want mineral rights, they want land rights and they want immigration rights. It’s a trickle but it’s a non-stop trickle. ‘So I have all of this going out and all of this coming in and,’ he said, ‘I’m going to lose the viability of my country. I might still be king but I will not be king of my country and my people and really that sums it up.’”
Trower’s prediction (for Ireland and other countries) is not far removed from the experience the king outlined. “So, if you were to say to me,” said Trower, “What’s going to happen to Ireland? It’s simple, you are going to see an epidemic of birth defects, with livestock and children that will put Thalidomide way into the shade. That is going to happen without a shadow of a doubt. You are also going to lose the viability of your country, that can’t be helped as well - unless you do something.”
There is a parallel to the king’s story in Ireland where the cell phone industry with 5.5 million subscribers is worth €1.65 billion15 according to the Central Statistics Office. In a country “bailed out” by the so-called Troika of financial interests and where the government pledged to save failed banks to the tune of €70 billion there is ample evidence of the king’s saga being repeated. At present, Shared Access, a North American Company founded with backing from financial powerhouses GoldmanSachs and JPMorgan, is attempting to buy the income stream from farmers who earn an income from having masts on their lands. For a once-off payment to the farmer, Shared Access will acquire all the income and the earnings will be lost to the Irish economy.
The issue is compounded by a relationship with the Irish Farmers Association which has agreed to a confidential arrangement. As a not-for-profit Non-Governmental Organization (N.G.O.) the organization is beyond the reach of government and any business arrangements a completely legal in site of the fact that individual farmers, fee-paying members of the group, are not allowed to ask questions “What can you do?” asked Trower perhaps optimistically hanging onto an old fashioned concept of democracy. “One suggestion - you may have better suggestions – one suggestion is you get me back here to talk to your full Parliament for one hour. It sounds absurd but other than e-mails and you approaching people. If I could talk to them and I could make them realize the proof. If I could talk to your Parliament it may work. It may not but at least they know what is coming and their children and it is their country and it won’t cost them a penny because I work for free. They can’t say ‘We can’t afford it’. I’ll even pay out of my own old age pension if that’s what they want but it will cost them one hour of their time and that is all.”
It all boils down to timing and money. In a time of austerity, money speaks louder than the health and well-being of the population. While Trower’s advice may, in the long term be priceless, talk, they say, is cheap - even on a Tetra radio, a cell phone or a wireless network in a classroom.
While Trower was talking in Dublin...
While Trower was speaking in Dublin, a group of the world’s top scientists16 simultaneously came to a similar explanation and conclusion called the Potenza Piceno Resolution during a conference in Italy.
The resolution underscores Trower’s warnings with scientists issuing the following conclusions:
• stricter safety standards for EMF needs to be adopted by governments and public health agencies because the existing ones are obsolete and they are not based on recent literature about biological effects.
• RF sources should be reduced as low as possible because at now it is not possible to establish a safe limit under which no biological effects can be observed.
• RF sources should be kept far from residential areas. For pulsed RF sources, such radars and Wi-Max antennas, the distance from the EMF source should be even greater because they cause more biologically effects than non pulsed signals.
• Wi-Fi should not be placed in schools and in public areas since they have characteristics of pulsed signals.
Five days after Trower gave his testimony to the audience in Dublin, the Federal Communications Commission in the United States waived objections to the use of Tetra in the United States.
Yet another young man, age 23, died in his bed of a heart attack in Ireland. The only country in the world that is monitoring the emergence of a “new” disease, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS).
It was less than a month after the Sepura company in the U.K. announced plans to deploy Tetra for the first time in North America in Washington State.
- John Weigel
9 See example of humans acting as antennae: Cohn G, Morris D, Patel S, Tan D, Your Noise is My Command: Sensing Gestures Using the Body as an Antennae,
10 http://wifiinschools.org.uk/
11 N. I. Khorseva, Yu. G. Grigoriev, N. V. Gorbunova. Psychophysiological Indicators for Child Users of Mobile Communication. Message 1: Present State of the Problem. Institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences, N. M. Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 119334 Russia. 2011. http://electromagnetichealth.org/electromagnetic-health-blog/russian-res-children-emf/
12 Dr. George L. Carlo, Science and Public Policy Institute, 1101 Pennsylvania Ave. NW -- 7th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20004
13Jacobsen, Rowan., The Importance of Bees to Our Food Supply March/April 2009 http://www.eatingwell.com/food_news_origins/green_sustainable/the_importance_of_bees_to_our_food_supply
14 http://mastsanity.org/health-52/research/324-experiments-with-cress-in-9th-grade-attracts-internationalattention-denmark-16th-may-2013.html
15 http://www.cso.ie/en/newsandevents/pressreleases/2012pressreleases/statisticalyearbookofireland2012/
16 Experts participating in Potenza Piceno conference include: Prof. Massimo Scalia, physicist, CIRPS at University La Sapienza, Rome; Dr. Eleonora Miranda, Institute of Molecular Genetics, National Council of Research, biologist, Bologna; Maurizio Brizzi, Associate Professor of Statistics, University of Bologna; Prof. Mario Barteri, chemist, University La Sapienza, Rome; Ian Marc Bonapace, Asst. Professor. Department of Structural and Functional Biology, University Insubria, Busto Arsizio ,Varese; Prof. Henry Lai, Bioengineering, University of Washington, Seattle, USA; Dr. PhD Livio Giuliani, mathematician, University La Tuscia, Viterbo; ICEMS spokesman Dr. Fiorenzo Marinelli, biologist, Institute of Molecular Genetics, National Research Council Bologna; Olle Johansson, Associate Professor, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, Dr. Michela Padovani, biologist, Cesare Maltoni Cancer Research Center of the Ramazzini Institute, Bologna; Prof. Dr. Nesrin Seyhan, biophysicist, Founding Chair, Biophysics Dept. of Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey; Advisory Committee Member, WHO EMF; Dr. Maurizio Fontana, physician, Genoa, Italy; Mr. Örjan Hallberg, MSc Electrical Engineering, Hallberg Independent Research, Farsta, Sweden
Trower finds himself at the epicentre of conflict between the Global Warming crowd and the Deniers. “Now you may or may believe in global warming, I’m not going into that here,” he said, “but one thing cannot be disputed. When you have carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and it mixes with rainwater, you have carbolic acid. And the carbolic acid comes down into the oceans. And again, Scientific American or Nature, have published that the acidity of the oceans has reached critical levels for the photosynthesisers in the ocean and they produce about 50 percent of the world’s oxygen. A lot of people don’t realize that.”
… for the punchline he adds, “We are really running the risk of losing our planet.”
Trower: The King and I
Were it not so serious, it would be laughable. Trower’s observation that if half of the world’s scientists are employed by the military, then the scientific world is nearly evenly divided between those who want to help humanity and those who want to harm us. “Microwaves are used in microbiological warfare, atmospheric warfare, environmental warfare,” said Trower. “It seems that when you have half the world’s scientists engaged by the military, who have nothing else to do but to dream up ‘how can I harm someone else’ it’s not surprising that we have all of these things now. And to finish off, I’m not boasting when I say this, I have probably met around 40 royals, leaders of governments, leaders of peoples, other important people around the world and they started to tell me as I was going around. I was picking up a familiar theme.”
A true English academic in a much-photographed green tweed sports jacket and matching everything else in green, Trower is not given to the playfulness of British whimsy or wishful thinking, however he does admit that he had a crystal ball. “And I always wished I was the one who was clever enough to think this up but I wasn’t. It was a king who had an Oxbridge (Oxford-Cambridge) law degree and we were having lunch in his garden. He leaned forward and he said, ‘I can tell you one thing, Barrie,’ he said, ‘I am losing the viability of my country.’ And then the pieces started to fall in. He said, ‘Since the mobile industry moved in I lost a vast number of my insects which means I have to start importing fruits or we get scurvy. We grow vitamin C plants. I’m losing my cattle which means I’ll have to start importing other cattle. I’m losing my trees and all my other plants. My people are becoming sick and I have a paper that shows it could be as much as another 40 percent on your health bill. My people are becoming sick which means I’ll have to start importing medicines.’ He said, ‘Now if you think – let’s assume you have 10 million cell phone users in my country and the daily bill one euro a day, I’m losing the best part of 10 million euros a day going out. Admittedly tax comes off and they run shops and things but the majority of the money goes out.’ And he said, ‘Any child who knows how a money box works can tell you that I as a country am going to go bankrupt. Sooner or later I’ve got to go bankrupt.
“‘He said, when it gets worse, he said, the very countries that bring the cell towers in and cause the damage are the very countries - namely the Americans and the Indonesians - He said they are the very countries, the first in, to offer aid, a very generous package. He said, but there is a price for aid., He said they want mining rights, they want mineral rights, they want land rights and they want immigration rights. It’s a trickle but it’s a non-stop trickle. ‘So I have all of this going out and all of this coming in and,’ he said, ‘I’m going to lose the viability of my country. I might still be king but I will not be king of my country and my people and really that sums it up.’”
Trower’s prediction (for Ireland and other countries) is not far removed from the experience the king outlined. “So, if you were to say to me,” said Trower, “What’s going to happen to Ireland? It’s simple, you are going to see an epidemic of birth defects, with livestock and children that will put Thalidomide way into the shade. That is going to happen without a shadow of a doubt. You are also going to lose the viability of your country, that can’t be helped as well - unless you do something.”
There is a parallel to the king’s story in Ireland where the cell phone industry with 5.5 million subscribers is worth €1.65 billion15 according to the Central Statistics Office. In a country “bailed out” by the so-called Troika of financial interests and where the government pledged to save failed banks to the tune of €70 billion there is ample evidence of the king’s saga being repeated. At present, Shared Access, a North American Company founded with backing from financial powerhouses GoldmanSachs and JPMorgan, is attempting to buy the income stream from farmers who earn an income from having masts on their lands. For a once-off payment to the farmer, Shared Access will acquire all the income and the earnings will be lost to the Irish economy.
The issue is compounded by a relationship with the Irish Farmers Association which has agreed to a confidential arrangement. As a not-for-profit Non-Governmental Organization (N.G.O.) the organization is beyond the reach of government and any business arrangements a completely legal in site of the fact that individual farmers, fee-paying members of the group, are not allowed to ask questions “What can you do?” asked Trower perhaps optimistically hanging onto an old fashioned concept of democracy. “One suggestion - you may have better suggestions – one suggestion is you get me back here to talk to your full Parliament for one hour. It sounds absurd but other than e-mails and you approaching people. If I could talk to them and I could make them realize the proof. If I could talk to your Parliament it may work. It may not but at least they know what is coming and their children and it is their country and it won’t cost them a penny because I work for free. They can’t say ‘We can’t afford it’. I’ll even pay out of my own old age pension if that’s what they want but it will cost them one hour of their time and that is all.”
It all boils down to timing and money. In a time of austerity, money speaks louder than the health and well-being of the population. While Trower’s advice may, in the long term be priceless, talk, they say, is cheap - even on a Tetra radio, a cell phone or a wireless network in a classroom.
While Trower was talking in Dublin...
While Trower was speaking in Dublin, a group of the world’s top scientists16 simultaneously came to a similar explanation and conclusion called the Potenza Piceno Resolution during a conference in Italy.
The resolution underscores Trower’s warnings with scientists issuing the following conclusions:
• stricter safety standards for EMF needs to be adopted by governments and public health agencies because the existing ones are obsolete and they are not based on recent literature about biological effects.
• RF sources should be reduced as low as possible because at now it is not possible to establish a safe limit under which no biological effects can be observed.
• RF sources should be kept far from residential areas. For pulsed RF sources, such radars and Wi-Max antennas, the distance from the EMF source should be even greater because they cause more biologically effects than non pulsed signals.
• Wi-Fi should not be placed in schools and in public areas since they have characteristics of pulsed signals.
Five days after Trower gave his testimony to the audience in Dublin, the Federal Communications Commission in the United States waived objections to the use of Tetra in the United States.
Yet another young man, age 23, died in his bed of a heart attack in Ireland. The only country in the world that is monitoring the emergence of a “new” disease, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS).
It was less than a month after the Sepura company in the U.K. announced plans to deploy Tetra for the first time in North America in Washington State.
- John Weigel
9 See example of humans acting as antennae: Cohn G, Morris D, Patel S, Tan D, Your Noise is My Command: Sensing Gestures Using the Body as an Antennae,
10 http://wifiinschools.org.uk/
11 N. I. Khorseva, Yu. G. Grigoriev, N. V. Gorbunova. Psychophysiological Indicators for Child Users of Mobile Communication. Message 1: Present State of the Problem. Institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences, N. M. Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 119334 Russia. 2011. http://electromagnetichealth.org/electromagnetic-health-blog/russian-res-children-emf/
12 Dr. George L. Carlo, Science and Public Policy Institute, 1101 Pennsylvania Ave. NW -- 7th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20004
13Jacobsen, Rowan., The Importance of Bees to Our Food Supply March/April 2009 http://www.eatingwell.com/food_news_origins/green_sustainable/the_importance_of_bees_to_our_food_supply
14 http://mastsanity.org/health-52/research/324-experiments-with-cress-in-9th-grade-attracts-internationalattention-denmark-16th-may-2013.html
15 http://www.cso.ie/en/newsandevents/pressreleases/2012pressreleases/statisticalyearbookofireland2012/
16 Experts participating in Potenza Piceno conference include: Prof. Massimo Scalia, physicist, CIRPS at University La Sapienza, Rome; Dr. Eleonora Miranda, Institute of Molecular Genetics, National Council of Research, biologist, Bologna; Maurizio Brizzi, Associate Professor of Statistics, University of Bologna; Prof. Mario Barteri, chemist, University La Sapienza, Rome; Ian Marc Bonapace, Asst. Professor. Department of Structural and Functional Biology, University Insubria, Busto Arsizio ,Varese; Prof. Henry Lai, Bioengineering, University of Washington, Seattle, USA; Dr. PhD Livio Giuliani, mathematician, University La Tuscia, Viterbo; ICEMS spokesman Dr. Fiorenzo Marinelli, biologist, Institute of Molecular Genetics, National Research Council Bologna; Olle Johansson, Associate Professor, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, Dr. Michela Padovani, biologist, Cesare Maltoni Cancer Research Center of the Ramazzini Institute, Bologna; Prof. Dr. Nesrin Seyhan, biophysicist, Founding Chair, Biophysics Dept. of Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey; Advisory Committee Member, WHO EMF; Dr. Maurizio Fontana, physician, Genoa, Italy; Mr. Örjan Hallberg, MSc Electrical Engineering, Hallberg Independent Research, Farsta, Sweden
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