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08 October 2014

Doctors at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and FCC Conclude Wi-Fi Networks Cause Migraine Headaches

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Doctors & FCC Conclude WiFi Networks Cause Migraine Headaches
posted by DvanL, empirenews.net,
4 September 2014

BALTIMORE, Maryland –

The ‘tin foil hat crowd’ may not be so crazy after all. Doctors at Baltimore’s Johns Hopkins School of Medicine have announced today a link between the most common high-speed Wi-Fi bandwidth frequencies and the increase of migraine headaches in people who connect wirelessly.

Researchers from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), working alongside doctors, scientists, and migraine headache specialists, announced the results of a two-year study in which test subjects, 50% of whom were predisposed to migraine headaches, were fitted with portable wireless routers and asked to visit heavily trafficked areas of several metropolitan centers.

Half of the participants, or “Human Hot Spots” (HHSs), were sent to coffee shops, public parks, and other venues where Wi-Fi users congregate. The other half were set up in more conventional Wi-Fi settings, designed to mimic average residential homes and apartments in cities and suburbs...

[Article continues here]


  1. Can you please post a link to the study?

    1. As I can find no information on the Web re. this study or a Dr. Frank Muller at Johns Hopkins, except for the Empire News article, I conclude that the Empire News site is probably nothing more than fake news. Sorry, we try not to be taken in by such sites.

    2. Thank you! This is somewhat helpful.
      Here is the section on electromagnetic fields where emphasis on the discussion is on weather conditions. Re. technological sources:

      "When investigating the relationship between technical sources of electromagnetic activity and the incidence of migraine, the situation becomes less clear. Despite patients' reports of headache resulting from structures or devices inducing an electromagnetic field such as a high voltage overhead power line [44], an antenna emitting a radio signal [45], or mobile phones and WLAN/WIFI devices [44], these results could not be confirmed in a large systematic meta-analysis [46]. However, these studies did not specifically discriminate between different types of primary headaches.

      "Taken together, the influence of electromagnetic fields on the incidence of migraine is still controversial. While studies investigating the correlation of migraine to atmospheric electromagnetic activity generally seem to indicate a relationship, results from studies focusing on technical sources of electromagnetism do not confirm this observation. Therefore, further large and well-structured trials are needed to elucidate a potential link between migraine and electromagnetism."

      The authors of the study are from the universities of Berlin and Iowa.

      Full text available here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3857910/


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