Italy: a landmark judgment condemns the state to inform the population of the health risks due to mobile phones
PhoneGate Team,, 18 January 2019

This decision of the Administrative Court of Rome is historic. It orders the Italian government to create a national information campaign on the health risks associated with the use of mobile phones.
Following the announcement by the Italian government that it was not appealing against his conviction, the judgment published on 13 November 2018 was widely reported by the transalpine media:
"It is therefore necessary to declare the obligation of the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education, University and Research, each for its own area of competence, to ensure, in accordance with the provisions of Art. 10 of Law No. 36/2001, the adoption of an information campaign, addressed to the entire population, concerning the identification of correct methods of use of mobile telephone devices (cellular and wireless phones) and information on the health and environmental risks related to the misuse of these devices.
The above-mentioned information and environmental education campaign must be implemented within six months of the earlier of the notification or administrative communication of this judgment, using the most appropriate means of communication to ensure wide dissemination of the information contained therein."
We owe this tremendous progress to the action of Professor Angelo Levis and the “A.P.P.P.L.E.” association – ( chaired by Laura Masiero and their lawyers: Renato Ambrosio, Stefano Bertone, Chiara Ghibaudo, Luigi Angeletti – Ambrosio & Commodo, Turin. In their arguments, they relied, among other things, on OPEN DATA data concerning the results of the National Frequency Agency (ANFR) tests on more than 500 mobile phones published as part of the Phonegate industrial and health scandal. This was confirmed to us by email last night, Master Stéfano Bertone.
For Dr. Arazi, President of Alert Phonegate:
“We hope that this Italian decision will, both at European and international level, set an example for the implementation of campaigns to protect the health of mobile phone users. It is essential that public authorities and manufacturers take the train of good resolutions in 2019. Especially at a time when the Phonegate scandal shows that manufacturers have knowingly misled all users by exposing them well beyond the limits not to be exceeded.
On Friday, January 25, 2019, at 10 a.m., we will be received at the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition by the head of the department of health risks related to the environment, waste and diffuse pollution at the General Directorate for Risk Prevention. The above-mentioned judgment will of course be part of the agenda that we will propose to our interlocutor.
With this decision, Italy is one of the leading European countries in protecting the public health of mobile phone users. It should be recalled that on 26 November 2018, the national television station RAI 3 broadcast a documentary from the investigative programme Report on mobile telephone waves. The Italian journalist Lucina Paternasi devoted a significant part of her time to the Phonegate scandal.
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