Message from Phonegate Alert: 13 September 2019:
"We have updated this article with the report by the attorney Laurent Goldman of the Public Rapporteur's positions at the hearing held yesterday morning before the Council of State. If these conclusions are accepted, we will not be able to access the original and complete documents of the mobile phone test reports audited by the National Frequencies Agency (ANFR)!"
[Updated Press release] Will the original reports of the mobile phone tests remain secret?
Equipe Phonegate,, 6 Sep 2019
Article updated on 12 September 2019 following the public hearing before the Council of State.Attached is the report of attorney Laurent Goldman who represents Dr. Arazi.
At this morning’s hearing, the public rapporteur, as announced, concluded that the appeal was inadmissible.
At this morning’s hearing, the public rapporteur, as announced, concluded that the appeal was inadmissible.
First, it noted that article L. 124-1 of the Environmental Code referred to access to “information” relating to the environment, and not to “documents”. It therefore concludes that the communication of the original reports is not required by this text.
On the completeness of the data posted by ANFR, the public rapporteur hid behind the court’s assessment that the content of the reports had not been modified. It considered that this assessment was sovereign, i.e. it was beyond the control of the Court of Cassation.
Finally, the public rapporteur considered that it was also sovereign that the court decided whether or not to order the production of the original reports for comparison with the data published online.
We are preparing a post-hearing submission to argue the public rapporteur’s positions. The decision of the Council of State should be rendered within 3 weeks and we will then know whether or not our appeal will be considered.