Raise awareness of environmental health issues in order to better protect our children and future generations.

14 September 2024

Australia plans a minimum age limit for social media use

Australia plans a minimum age limit for social media use
By Reuters, CNN, 10 September 2024

Australia intends to set a minimum age limit for children to use social media, citing concerns about mental and physical health. The plan has sparked backlash from digital rights advocates who warn the measure could drive dangerous online activity underground.

(Photo):  The law would put Australia among the first countries in the world to impose an age restriction on social media. Keiko Iwabuchi/Moment RF/Getty Images

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said his center-left government would run an age verification trial before introducing age minimum laws for social media this year.

Albanese didn’t specify an age but said it would likely be between 14 and 16.

6G mobile phone technology could emit harmful ‘laser-like beams’, researchers warn

6G mobile phone technology could emit harmful ‘laser-like beams’, researchers warn
Story by Joe Pinkstone, msn.com / The Telegraph, 13 September 2024

6G technology will use potentially harmful “laser beams” to create the ultra-fast mobile internet, an expert has warned.

(Photo): Experts estimate that 6G could reach speeds up to ten times faster than 5G - PAVLO GONCHAR/LIGHTROCKET

The next generation of wireless internet will have to use higher energy radio waves than current 4G and 5G devices as all traditional cellular frequencies are already in use.

Scientists are now investigating using higher frequencies, which have a wavelength of more than one millimetre, to create future high-speed networks with larger bandwidth and minimal latency compared to existing technologies.

But there are concerns over how to protect users from the highly focused radio waves.

United Kingdom: One of England's biggest school academy trusts to ban phone use

Ormiston Academies Trust confirmed to the BBC it was phasing out access to smartphones for around 35,000 pupils at its 42 state schools across the country.

One of England's biggest school academy trusts to ban phone use

by Vincent McAviney & Mallory Moench, BBC News, 14 September 2024

One of the chain's secondary schools
is already phone-free
One of England's largest school academy trusts is set to ban phones during the school day.

Ormiston Academies Trust confirmed to the BBC it was phasing out access to smartphones for around 35,000 pupils at its 42 state schools across the country.

A spokesperson for the trust told the BBC that "teaching and learning, behaviour and children’s mental health are all impacted negatively by mobile phones".

Earlier this year, the Department for Education under the previous Conservative government updated its advice on mobile phones to give school leaders in England the power to ban their use during the school day.

13 September 2024

Russian National Committee for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection Chairman attacks WHO-commissioned review that claims no cellphone-cancer link

Dr. Oleg Grigoriev, one of the world's leading experts, emailed to Dr. Joel Moscowitz this message regarding the Karipidis et al. (2024) review and gave him permission to post it. You will find it on Dr, Moscowitz's site : Electromagnetic Radiation Safety.

Biased WHO-commissioned review claims no cancer link to cellphone use

Russian National Committee for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection Chairman attacks WHO-commissioned review that claims no cellphone-cancer link

Electromagnetic Radiation Safety, 11 September 2024

Dr. Oleg A. Grigoriev, Sept 11, 2024

(Dr. Grigoriev, one of the world's leading experts, emailed me this message regarding the Karipidis et al. (2024) review and gave me permission to post it.)

A group of little-known scientists have claimed responsibility for all cases of cancer associated with exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. These scientists claim that possible, probable, and proven cancer from exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields does not exist and never can exist. Thus, responsibility for misleading consumers, industry, and healthcare systems lies with several specific authors.

12 September 2024

Decoding New WHO–ICNIRP Cancer Review

Old Wine in New Bottles
Decoding New WHO–ICNIRP Cancer Review
Game Over? Likely Not

microwavenews.com, September 11, 2024

An international team of researchers, many with close ties to ICNIRP, is trying to put to rest the very possibility that RF radiation can lead to brain cancer —and, by extension, any type of cancer.

On August 30, they published a detailed systematic review of RF and cell phone epidemiological studies, which concludes that there is little evidence to justify continued concern over a possible cancer link.

The review, commissioned by the World Health Organization‘s (WHO) EMF Project, appears in the journal Environment International.

A few days later, Ken Karipidis, the lead author, posted a short summary to serve as a press release for the journal manuscript, which takes up 52 typeset pages of the journal.

11 September 2024

9/11 - In Memory of Those Who Lost Their Lives

More FDNY members have died from 9/11-related illnesses than were killed in attack
by Avery Lotz, axios.com, 11 September 2024

(Photo):  annual ''Tribute in Light'', which is a solemn display to commemorate the tragic events of 2001 and honors the nearly 3,000 lives lost, is tested ahead of the 23rd anniversary of the September 11 attacks in New York on Sept. 9. Photo: Fatih Aktas/Anadolu via Getty Images

The number of New York City Fire Department members who have died from 9/11-related illnesses in the decades since the attack now surpasses the number who died that day.

09 September 2024

The Netherlands: Ban on cell phones in Dutch schools launched

Ban on cell phones in Dutch schools launched
aachener-zeitung.de/, 2 September 2024 - auto-translation

Mobile phones are now taboo during lessons in the Netherlands. The reasoning is that children learn and concentrate better this way.

(Photo): The introduction of a ban on mobile phones in Dutch schools was not without controversy. (Symbolic image) Photo: Jens Kalaene/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

Since Monday, all Dutch schools have been banning mobile phones during lessons. After mobile phones have been taboo in secondary schools since the beginning of the year, the ban has now also been introduced in primary schools with the start of the new school year. The Ministry of Education in The Hague justified the move by saying that mobile phones distract pupils and reduce their ability to concentrate, which has a negative impact on their learning performance.

Italy: Calabria Region Recognizes Fibromyalgia and Electrosensitivity

Calabria Region Recognizes Fibromyalgia and Electrosensitivity
elettrosensibili.it/, 17 March 2024 - auto.translation

On March 12, the Regional Council of Calabria unanimously approved regional law 8/2024, which recognizes the social relevance of fibromyalgia and electrosensitivity.

The Region, while waiting for the recognition of fibromyalgia and electrosensitivity at a national level, wants to promote the establishment of clinics dedicated to free screening activities and the establishment at hospital and territorial level of multidisciplinary clinics dedicated solely to the aforementioned pathologies.

Furthermore, the law, in recognizing the significant contribution of the associations, establishes a regional registry for fibromyalgia and a regional registry for electrosensitivity in order to track their incidence and prevalence at the regional level.

06 September 2024

New research shows regular mobile phone use can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, especially in smokers and people with diabetes

New research shows regular mobile phone use can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, especially in smokers and people with diabetes
eurekalert.org/, News Release, 4 Sept. 2024

A new study in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology investigates the association between mobile phone use, risk of heart diseases, and modifiable lifestyle factors

Peer-Reviewed Publication

Philadelphia, September 4, 2024 – A new study has found that regular mobile phone use was positively associated with incident cardiovascular diseases risk, especially in current smokers and individuals with diabetes. In addition, this association was partly attributed to poor sleep, psychological distress, and neuroticism. The article in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology, published by Elsevier, details the results of this large-scale prospective cohort study.

Yanjun Zhang, MD, Division of Nephrology, Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China, explains, "Mobile phone use is a ubiquitous exposure in modern society, so exploring its impact on health has significant public health value. Radio-frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) emitted by mobile phones cause dysregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, inflammatory responses, and oxidative stress, and are therefore expected to affect a variety of organs such as the heart and blood vessels. However, whether mobile phone use is associated with the risk of cardiovascular diseases remains uncertain."

Is EMF-Altered Brain Morphology Increasing School Shootings and Violence?

Is EMF-Altered Brain Morphology Increasing School Shootings and Violence?
QuantaDose Press Releases, quantadose.com, 5 September 2024

School shootings are an alarming trend that leaves communities searching for answers. While the causes of such violence are often attributed to mental health issues, societal influences, or easy access to firearms, there’s a critical environmental factor that has gone largely overlooked: the role of electromagnetic fields (EMFs), particularly from wireless technology, and their impact on brain development and behavior. Could school shootings be an unintended consequence of the wireless age?

This article explores the link between EMF exposure and altered brain morphology, delving into how wireless radiation might be influencing the rise in neurodevelopmental disorders, impulsive behaviors, and violence among today’s youth. The urgent need for updated safety guidelines to protect the future of our children from the bioelectrical disruption caused by EMFs is undeniable.

04 September 2024

Uncovering WHO’s Bias and the True Health Risks of Wireless Radiation

Uncovering WHO’s Bias and the True Health Risks of Wireless Radiation
rfsafe.comm September 4, 2024 

Electromagnetic Radiation Safety WHO Review

Jolygon/Getty Images
Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from wireless devices like cell phones, Wi-Fi, and cell towers has become an inescapable part of modern life. Yet, for decades, the health effects of prolonged exposure to this radiation have been a topic of controversy, with powerful industry forces influencing the narrative and regulation. As research has evolved, evidence increasingly suggests that EMR poses significant health risks, including cancer, but organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO) have repeatedly downplayed these concerns.

This article will dissect a recent WHO-commissioned review, which claims no cancer link to cellphone use, despite an overwhelming body of research that suggests otherwise. We will explore the mechanisms behind this bias, the role of organizations like the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), and how conflicts of interest have shaped the regulatory landscape. Moreover, we will contrast WHO’s position with independent studies that highlight the true dangers of wireless radiation.

Biased WHO-commissioned review claims no cancer link to cellphone use

Today, many major news outlets are promoting a biased review of the literature commissioned by the World Health Organization (WHO) which claims that cellphone use has no link to cancer. Following are comments by Dr. Joel Moscowitz, University of California, Berkeley, on this review.

Biased WHO-commissioned review claims no cancer link to cellphone use
saferemr.com, September 3, 2024

Photograph: Kar-Tr/Getty Images/iStockphoto
(from The Guardian)
Today, many major news outlets are promoting a biased review of the literature commissioned by the World  Health Organization (WHO) which claims that cellphone use has no link to cancer.

In my professional opinion, the WHO selected scientists  to conduct systematic literature reviews on the biologic and health risks of wireless radiation who had demonstrated their bias through prior publications by either not finding evidence of harm or dismissing any evidence they found.

Moreover, each WHO team has one or more members of the ICNIRP, a German NGO that issues exposure limits for wireless radiation primarily based on research produced by its own members, their former students and close colleagues. The ICNIRP limits, designed to protect humans only from the acute effects of heating induced by wireless radiation, are promoted by the WHO and are similar to those adopted by the FCC.