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24 March 2020

Corona Virus and 5G – Is There a Connection?

Corona Virus and 5G – is there a connection?
by Dr. Magda Havas, magdahavas, 21 March 2020, updated 22 March 2020

Several people have asked me the question that is circulating among EMF experts, “Is there a connection between the outbreak of the CoVid-19 and deployment of 5G networks around the world?”

I have been following the conversations regarding this and my opinion is as follows:

1. Immune System Impairment

The best scientific evidence we have is that exposure to electrosmog (non-ionizing radiation from power frequencies to microwaves) impairs the immune system. This is well documented in the scientific literature. If your immune system is compromised because of electrosmog or because of certain medications you are taking or because you are elderly or very young you are likely to have a more severe and/or prolonged response to CoVId-19. Dr. Joel Moskowitz has a blog on his website, Research on the Effects of Wireless Radiation Exposure on the Immune System, that I recommend you read. Here is the abstract from one publication by Dr. Stanislaw Szmigielski.

Szmigielski S. 2013. Reaction of the immune system to low-level RF/MW exposures. Science of the Total Environment.454-455:393-400. 

Radiofrequency (RF) and microwave (MW) radiation have been used in the modern world for many years. The rapidly increasing use of cellular phones in recent years has seen increased interest in relation to the possible health effects of exposure to RF/MW radiation. In 2011 a group of international experts organized by the IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon) concluded that RF/MW radiations should be listed as a possible carcinogen (group 2B) for humans. The incomplete knowledge of RF/MW-related cancer risks has initiated searches for biological indicators sensitive enough to measure the “weak biological influence” of RF/MWs. One of the main candidates is the immune system, which is able to react in a measurable way to discrete environmental stimuli.

In this review, the impacts of weak RF/MW fields, including cell phone radiation, on various immune functions, both in vitro [cell culture studies] and in vivo [live animal studies], are discussed. The bulk of available evidence clearly indicates that various shifts in the number and/or activity of immunocompetent cells [cells that can develop an immune response] are possible, however the results are inconsistent. For example, a number of lymphocyte [small white blood cells especially found in the lymphatic system] functions have been found to be enhanced and weakened within single experiments based on exposure to similar intensities of MW radiation.

Certain premises exist which indicate that, in general, short-term exposure to weak MW radiation may temporarily stimulate certain humoral* or cellular immune functions, while prolonged irradiation inhibits the same functions.

Here is an excellent video on your immune system under a microscope.

2. Heart Rate Variability

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