Mobile telephony and radiation: an inconsistent and biased federal report that ignores environmental impact
Press release, Stop5G Association, 29 November 2019 - translation
The French-speaking Swiss association Stop5G questions the credibility of the results published yesterday by the ad hoc working group mandated by DETEC [Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications]. The composition of the working group questions and casts doubt on the scientific legitimacy of the health component of the report. In addition, Stop5G is surprised at the lack of consensus on the development of the network and notes the strong divergence of the proposals, some of which, favorable to the industry, foresee a 500% increase in the current radiation. The Association of Doctors for the Environment, a member of the working group, has also expressed strong criticism of this possible increase and considers that the health impact of non-ionizing radiation (NIR) has not been sufficiently studied. Finally, the deadlock in the report on environmental impacts and liability aspects is also a major concern.