Raise awareness of environmental health issues in order to better protect our children and future generations.

31 July 2020

Phonegate: [Press Release] Smartphone Mi Note10: Xiaomi Still Plays with Consumers’ Health!

[Press Release] Smartphone Mi Note10: Xiaomi still plays with consumers’ health!
Equipe Phonegate 30 Jul 2020

The Mi Note 10 is the fourth smartphone from Chinese manufacturer Xiaomi to be pinned in France by the French National Frequency Agency (ANFR) for exceeding the regulatory level of specific absorption rate (SAR). This comes just a few days after attorney Elias Bourran filed a collective complaint against Xiaomi before the Paris Public Prosecutor’s Office on behalf of 60 plaintiffs registered via platform V for Verdict.

The Mi Note 10 was marketed in France from November 2019 at a price of 549 euros. The trunk SAR announced by the manufacturer on the notice was 1.392 W/kg. This figure proved to be perfectly misleading for the consumer. Indeed, since after ANFR control, it is almost double, reaching 2,45 W/kg. It thus exceeds the regulatory threshold set at European level at 2 W/kg.

United States: FCC Ignoring Evidence Of Wireless Tech Harms, DC Circ. Told

FCC Ignoring Evidence Of Wireless Tech Harms, DC Circ. Told
Kelcee Griffis, Law360, Jul 30, 2020

Law360 (July 30, 2020, 5:34 PM EDT) -- The Federal Communications Commission failed to address scientists' and individuals' health concerns when it concluded its current wireless safety guidelines are still sufficient for the 5G era, two nonprofits told the D.C. Circuit on Wednesday.

In an opening brief, the Children's Health Defense and the Environmental Health Trust argued the agency glossed over crucial evidence when it found in December that its radiofrequency-exposure limits — established in 1996 — still provide adequate protection.

"The FCC received an enormous number of peer-reviewed scientific and medical studies, analyses, and reports demonstrating a consensus of the scientific community that radiofrequency radiation is harmful and sometimes lethal to individuals and the environment," the brief says. "The factual record in this case is strong. Yet the Order gives no consideration to most of the evidence presented to it."

The case, filed in late January, argues that the FCC's rules don't go far enough to protect consumers, especially when those exposed to long-term or multiple sources of radiation. The rules also "do not provide for sensitive or vulnerable populations," according to the brief.

29 July 2020

Phonegate Alert Petition: Protect the Health of Millions of Mobile Phone Users

The petition launched by the Phonegate Alert Association has recently been updated. If you haven't already signed it, please do so. Your support for this public health issue is essential!  Thank you. 
(Anyone in the world can sign.  The updated text will be translated into other languages.)

Link to Petition:

Since 2017, the Phonegate Alert team has written to the successive Ministers for the Ecological Transition, the Ministers for Solidarity and Health and the Minister of Economy and Finance, Mr. Bruno Le Maire.

At the same time, at international level, we have been invited to denounce this new scandal, Phonegate, in the European Parliament, the Italian Parliament, at scientific conferences in the United States, Germany, United Kingdom, Spain, Poland, etc.

We have, on each occasion, reported to the government authorities, with supporting evidence, the deliberate deception of the mobile phone industry regarding the regulations governing the measurement of specific absorption rates (SAR).

As a direct consequence for our health, for more than 20 years, hundreds of millions of people have been victims of overexposure to the waves emitted by our mobile phones.

Protect Your Health from the Radiofrequency Radiation of Your Smartphone: Phonegate Alert's First Awareness Campaign on the Dangers of Smartphones

Phonegate Alert Association


Our association, created in March 2018, has obliged the French government over a period of two years to withdraw or update 23 models from different manufacturers (Xiaomi, Nokia, Huawei, Wiko, Alcatel, etc…) for levels of exposure of the body to radiofrequency radiation (SAR) higher than the level protecting your health. Hundreds of other models sold until June 2017 must also be updated.
Furthermore, the current European regulations do not guarantee the protection of users’ health in any way.

25 July 2020

California: Fight Over Berkeley Cellphone Warnings Returns to Court

Fight Over Berkeley Cellphone Warnings Returns to Court
by Maria Dinzeo, courthousenews.com, 23 July 2020

SAN FRANCISCO (CN) — The city of Berkeley’s five-year battle with the wireless industry over cellphone-radiation warnings came to a head Thursday before a federal judge, who will decide whether the city’s 2015 ordinance requiring retailers to provide guidance on avoiding radio-frequency exposure is pre-empted by federal law.

The required disclosure states in part: “If you carry or use your phone in a pants or shirt pocket or tucked into a bra when the phone is ON and connected to a wireless network, you may exceed the federal guidelines for exposure to RF [radio frequency] radiation.”

24 July 2020

Switzerland: "5G - The Wind is Shifting!"

"5G - the wind is shifting!"
schutz-vor-strahlung.ch, 22 July 2020 - translation
Press release: Semi-annual report 2020 of the Building Law Department

With 1,450 objections throughout Switzerland, 120,000 signatures against 5G were received within one year. The first scientific reports and studies as well as the assessment of Doctors for the Protection of the Environment clearly show the great risk of 5G. The Association for Protection against Radiation [Schutz vor Strahlung] is therefore calling for a national 5G moratorium to protect our health, our environment and our descendants. Now!

The majority of the population rejects 5G and countless communities support the will of the Swiss electorate. Many communities are taking their responsibility seriously, rejecting building applications or putting them on ice. Some of them are taking mobile communications planning into their own hands in a more sustainable manner.

5G slows down, the wind is shifting

California: Wireless Industry Calls For End To Berkeley RF Exposure Law

Wireless Industry Calls For End To Berkeley RF Exposure Law
Law360, 23 July 2020

Law360, San Francisco (July 23, 2020, 10:02 PM EDT) -- The wireless industry urged a California federal judge Thursday to find the city of Berkeley, California's wireless disclosure ordinance violates the First Amendment, saying the Federal Communications Commission supports the trade group's view that cellphone retailers need not warn customers about potential harm from radiofrequency emissions.

CTIA – The Wireless Association, a trade association composed of U.S. wireless communications companies including AT&T, Verizon, Samsung and Apple, urged U.S. District Judge Edward Chen to grant its bid for judgment on the pleadings that Berkeley's ordinance violates free speech laws and is preempted by federal regulations.

22 July 2020

Russian Government Recommends Banning Wi-Fi and Cell Phones in Primary Schools

Russian Government Recommends Banning Wi-Fi and Cell Phones in Primary Schools
By Dafna Tachover, CHD’s Director of 5G & Wireless Harms Project, childrenshealthdefense.org
20 July 2020

On July 17th, 2020, the Russian Ministry of Health ** published recommendations to schools to ban the use of Wi-Fi and cell phones in elementary schools. The Medical Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, prepared the recommendations together with the Russian Ministry of Health.

The information was provided to Children’s Health Defense by Professor Oleg Grigoriev, Dr.Sc, PhD, the Chairman for the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection. Professor Grigoriev has been outspoken about the harms of wireless technology and has been leading the recent initiatives by the Russian government to protect children from harm. He also tweeted about the news.

21 July 2020

France : [Press Release] Phonegate: 60 plaintiffs file class action against Xiaomi

In view of similar ongoing actions in the United States and Canada against cell phone manufacturers, this news should be shared by associations and media in North America.  

[Press Release] Phonegate: 60 plaintiffs file class action against Xiaomi

Equipe Phonegate 20 July 2020

The French law firm Beaubourg avocats represented by attorney Elias Bourran filed a class action suit against the Chinese smartphone manufacturer Xiaomi with the Paris Public Prosecutor’s Office on Friday, July 17, 2020.

This class action, which brings together some sixty plaintiffs, follows the criminal complaint filed on April 15, 2019, by the Phonegate Alert NGO and has since been monitored by the Public Health Unit of the Paris Public Prosecutor’s Office.

The plaintiffs purchased and used either the Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 or the Mi Mix 2S. Two smartphones found by the French National Frequency Agency (ANFR) to exceed the regulatory levels of specific absorption rate (SAR) for the head and trunk, respectively.

20 July 2020

[Press release] Phonegate USA : Judge orders Apple to disclose documents exchanged with FCC

[Press release] Phonegate USA : Judge orders Apple to disclose documents exchanged with FCC
Equipe Phonegate, 19 July 2020

According to the legal news site, Law360, in the American chapter of Phonegate:

US District Judge William Alsup ordered Apple on Thursday July16, 2020 to deliver its correspondence with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to consumers who claim that iPhones emit dangerous levels of radiation“.

The Judge ordered the company to produce within seven days all communications between Apple and the FCC regarding iPhone certifications, as well as all communications regarding the Chicago Tribune’s investigation of the levels of radiation of iPhones.

Following the publication of the Chicago Tribune’s investigation in August 2019 revealing the results of testing of popular mobile phones conducted at an FCC-accredited laboratory, a first class action was filed on August 23, 2019 against Apple and Samsung in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California in San Jose. It comprises 11 plaintiffs who allege that certain iPhone and Samsung models emit more radiation than is permitted by regulation (Case No. 5:19-cv-05322).

18 July 2020

United States: Apple Says Jury Trial on Phone Radiation Would Undermine FCC Authority

Apple Says Jury Trial on Phone Radiation Would Undermine FCC Authority
by NICHOLAS IOVINOcourthousenews.com, 16 July 2020

SAN FRANCISCO (CN) — Pushing to defeat a class action claiming Apple failed to warn consumers about dangerous radiation from iPhones, an Apple attorney told a federal judge Thursday that bringing the case to a jury will undermine the Federal Communications Commission’s authority.

“Plaintiffs are asking for a jury to second guess the FCC,” Apple lawyer Christina Sarchio, of Dechert LLP, argued during a summary judgment hearing via telephone Thursday.

Lead plaintiff Andrew Cohen sued cellphone makers Apple and Samsung in August 2019 after the Chicago Tribune revealed an FCC-certified lab’s findings that radiofrequency radiation exposure from iPhone and Galaxy smartphones surpassed federal safety limits. Samsung was voluntarily dismissed as a defendant in the case in January.

17 July 2020

United States: Apple Cell Phone Radiation Case: Judge Alsup Orders Apple To Produce FCC IPhone Communications

Alsup Orders Apple To Produce FCC IPhone Communications
Law360, 16 July 2020

Law360, San Francisco (July 16, 2020) -- U.S. District Judge William Alsup on Thursday ordered Apple to hand over its Federal Communications Commission correspondence to consumers who allege iPhones emit dangerous levels of radiation, after asking Apple during a hearing if it was "afraid" the public would be "horrified" at the information.

Following Thursday's hearing, Judge Alsup said he would hold off on ruling on Apple Inc.'s motion for summary judgment and ordered the company to produce within seven days all communications between Apple and the FCC related to iPhone certifications, as well as all communications regarding an investigation by the Chicago Tribune into iPhone radiation levels.

Judge Alsup zeroed in during the hearing on why the tech behemoth had refused to turn over communications that the proposed class of consumers sought in discovery and questioned the assertions that the litigation is disruptive.

"Why would it be disruptive for the public to know what statements and representations Apple itself made to the FCC? Are you afraid that the public would be horrified to see those statements?" Judge Alsup asked Apple's attorney. "I don't understand why you're hiding them."

11 July 2020

5G and Mobile Telephony

Letter to the Editor, Tribune de Genève, 7 July 2020

Our Health
by Meris Michaels

Part of the population in many countries does not want 5G. Yet this expensive and perhaps even potentially harmful technology is being imposed on us, violating our rights to decide whether we want antennas next to our homes, hospitals, schools, or even whether we really want them at all.

In this time of upheaval caused by the pandemic, there are much more pressing health and economic issues. Have we considered what harmful effect exposure to electromagnetic waves from this technology (classified as "potentially carcinogenic to humans" by WHO) could have on children, pregnant women, people suffering from microwave sickness: the waves emitted by our smartphones (tracking apps), devices connected to Wi-Fi (work and home study).

A number of countries are seeking to protect their population from exposure. France is seeing a wave of newly-elected officials who want studies on the health effects of 5G. A law has been enacted to protect the health of users, asking the National Frequencies Agency (ANFR) to test the exposure levels of connected devices (mobile phones, tablets, smart watches...) used close to the body. The Agency has the power to ask manufacturers to update or withdraw from the market devices that exceed exposure standards.

In the face of this pandemic, we must do everything possible to ensure our health, including limiting exposure to mobile phone emissions.

Switzerland: Initiative Aims to Overcome Swiss Public's 5G Technology Misconceptions

Initiative aims to overcome Swiss public’s 5G technology misconceptions
swissinfo.ch, 10 July 2020

5G cables being fixed Keystone /
Salvatore Di Nolfi
Supporters of 5G mobile technology in Switzerland have launched a new website to engage in discussions with the general public about any technical, scientific and health concerns.

Around 45 figures from Swiss society, science, business and politics, as well as 19 associations, have joined forces to launch the “CHANCE5G” online platform on Friday. The initiative is financed by the Swiss Telecommunications Association (asut) and its members, which include telecom firms Sunrise, Swisscom, Cellnex, as well as Ericsson and Huawei

The organisers of the “CHANCE5G” platform claim that the development of 5G is being held back, both politically and within society, due to false conclusions and a lack of knowledge about the technology. It wants to improve dialogue around 5G and demonstrate the advantages of the technology via specific applications.

Michigan: Perry Woman's Space-X Lawsuit Sent to Different Federal Court

Perry woman's Space-X lawsuit sent to different federal court
By JOSH CHAMPLIN Argus-Press Staff Writer Jul 4, 2020

FLINT — A federal lawsuit filed by a Perry woman claiming satellite signals from SpaceX satellites affect her health was transferred to United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, according to court records.

Jennifer Mergos originally filed her suit in Michigan’s Western District in Grand Rapids.

Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX

U.S. Magistrate Judge Phillip J. Green signed an order June 1 that transferred the case to Michigan’s Eastern District, since Mergos is a resident of Shiawassee County, where that court has jurisdiction.

“Plaintiff’s complaint lacks factual detail and consists largely of legal conclusions,” Green wrote in the order. “Nevertheless, plaintiff clearly alleges that defendant, by utilizing a hazardous product and/or engaging in hazardous conduct, is subjecting plaintiff to physical harm.”

Green ruled that “while the allegations in plaintiff’s complaint may appear tenuous,” the court was obligated to transfer the case, due to “the gravity of the allegations.”

Mobile Phone Antennas: Italian Children Invoke the Precautionary Principle

Mobile phone antennas: Italian children invoke the precautionary principle
by Hugo Mattei, Edoardo Valentino et Maud Coudrais, reporterre.net, 11 July 2020  - translation

Dessin : © Etienne Gendrin/Reporterre

On Monday 13 July, the court in Turin will consider the appeal of children who denounce the installation of base stations near their school during confinement. If it finds in their favor, the precautionary principle could become in Europe a real instrument for the protection of public health, explain the authors of this forum.

Hugo Mattei is a professor of civil law, author of several publications on common goods and legal ecology, and co-signatory of the appeal with Edoardo Valentino, a lawyer at the Turin Bar. Maud Coudrais is a Doctor of Law, member of the Paris Bar. The authors would like to thank Philippe Billet, Associate Professor of Public Law at the Jean-Moulin Law Faculty of Lyon 3 and Director of the Environmental Law Institute of Lyon.

06 July 2020

France: New Regulations to Ensure Radiation Levels Posted for Laptops, Tablets and Wireless Devices

EHTrust, July 3, 2020

From July 1st, the SAR display of all equipment generating radiofrequency radiation (more than 20mW) used in close proximity to the body will be displayed to better inform the public. France already has a comparable law for cell phones but now the regulations are extended to devices which include tablets, connected watches, wireless headsets, and more. ANFR will check the SAR measurements for these devices to ensure compliance. SAR is a measure used for cell phone radiation exposure.

Just like cell phones, the SAR must appear in the instructions as well as at points of sale and near the equipment. In sharp contrast, efforts such as the Berkeley and San Francisco Cell phone Right To Know Ordinances to inform the US public about cell phone radiation at point of sale in the United States have been hit with lawsuits by the wireless industry.

ANFR , the government frequency test agency of France, created a video explaining the new regulations.

05 July 2020

France: The Display of the SAR Reinforced and Extended as of 1 July 2020: ANFR to Carry Out Tests "to Ensure Compliance with the New Provisions"

Thank you very much to all the associations and people, in particular Dr. Marc Arazi, President of the Phonegate Alert Association, who are working to ensure standards that better protect the health of users of mobile telephony devices.

The display of the SAR reinforced and extended in France as of 1 July 2020
by Alexander Boero, clubic.com, 3 July 2020 - translation

All radioelectric devices emitting more than 20 milliwatts must display their specific absorption rate (SAR) as of the beginning of the month, under the control of ANFR .

Until now, only smartphone manufacturers were legally required to inform consumers about the specific absorption rate of devices, better known as SAR. As of 1 July 2020, this obligation has been extended to all radioelectric devices that emit more than 20 milliwatts (mW) that can be used close to the body.

The SAR, an indicator measured by ANFR in France

First of all, let's recall what the SAR is. The specific absorption rate is an indicator that is becoming increasingly important in a society where radioelectric equipment is in abundance. In concrete terms, it allows us to measure the energy transported by the electromagnetic waves absorbed by the human body. Waves that are propagated by the devices.

04 July 2020

Phonegate Alert: Launch of Campaign: "Protect Yourself from Your Smartphone's Waves"

Launch of our campaign:
"Protect yourself from your smartphone's waves".

Dear supporter,

✅ We are pleased to present our first awareness campaign on the dangers of mobile phones for our health.

It was made possible thanks to your support. Thank you!

Discover the posters and animated videos specially designed to protect users and advise on the proper use of mobile phones.

Thank you in advance for helping us to relay them as widely as possible ➡️🌎👍

Best regards,
The Phonegate Alert Team